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Does it bother anyone else?

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Does it bother anyone else when someone sees you making something and they want one and tells you "I'll pay for the yarn!" :eek Like it doesn't take any of your time! :angry Any suggesttions on what to say in these situations? I make skull caps at work and have many requests!:think

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HI Kim:

We meet again... Well I have always sold alot of my crocheted items for extra cash and well what i tell the people that want to buy the yarn is i tell them well you buy the yarn and bring me the receipt and i will deduct the price of the yarns from my price of the item but you still have to pay for my labor hours.

So you let them know that them buying the yarn does not meant the price will go down drastically cause what counts is the labor...

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I would also point out that you keep any yarn that is left. If you deduct the full price of yarn you get the full ball.


I had a woman who demanded every scrap of fabric, thread and a 4 inch remnant of a fringe she bought. I made the entire costume for her at no charge including using my own materials for a headpiece and she wanted everything that was hers

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Almost everything I have made so far has been a gift to someone else - not because I was asked but because I wanted to. I don't mind spending my time crocheting for anyone I care about but I would object to people asking me to make something for them if they just offer to pay for the yarn.


I suppose a lot of people assume that we only crochet because we love to do so - which is true - but because I do it for love, I choose what I make, when and for whom. If someone else chooses for me, then they can darn well pay me for my time and effort, as well as for the materials and they better not complain about it...


If they do, then I would explain to them that I only make charity items for actual charities and I only make gifts for the people I love.


-- Michelle

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It's funny because a few weeks ago I was at a softball game and making a dishcloth. This lady comes up and asks what I am making- of course. lol And she said she would love one and could she buy one from me. Silly me, I was knitting at the time (hope this isn't a curse word here hee hee) and I am a very beginner kniter so I didn't feel comfy in selling it to her. So I just gave her what I was making and had finished.


Yes, that was my decision to give it as a gift to her. But I thought it was funny in light of this thread.

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Does it bother anyone else when someone sees you making something and they want one and tells you "I'll pay for the yarn!" :eek
Yeah, it annoys me too. I should just let it roll off my back, but people's nerve still gets to me sometimes.


Any suggesttions on what to say in these situations?
You've already gotten good advice that I hope you try ;) If you need a stronger response, after they say "I'll pay for the yarn..." you can add "Well, I also require a $1000.00 non-refundable cash deposit in advance." If you can say that every time completely poker-faced the problem will stop, believe me. :D
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I have a friend that asked me to make an afghan for her and did the same thing and here's what I did. I had her buy the yarn but since she was a really good friend of mine and I hadn't done the pattern she wanted before, I viewed it as a learning experience and didn't charge her for any labor. Now, if the same person would ask me repeatedly I would tell her I didn't have time or charge her for labor hours. But anyway, once in a while I don't mind and like I said learning experiences with new patterns and then you also get to see/take pictures of the end results. So, I guess my view is - once in a while is fine but not all the time.


Good Luck!

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Does it bother anyone else when someone sees you making something and they want one and tells you "I'll pay for the yarn!" :eek Like it doesn't take any of your time! :angry Any suggesttions on what to say in these situations? I make skull caps at work and have many requests!:think


It depends. If it's a really close friend I usually don't mind. Most of my friends end up giving me a little extra for making something for them, and even if they don't I usually enjoyed making it for them.


Now, people I barely know who do that are told that it will cost supplies + $xx depending on what it is (and how annoyed I am at the request). Yes, I can be a real meanie that way, but it usually takes care of the problem.

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If someone who is just a casual acquaintance, or even a stranger asks, I would just say that I'd be happy to make one for you... I sell these for $XX. I would not itemize how much for yarn, how much for labor, etc.


If it's a good friend or relative... that's different. My Mom loved to come to craft shows I was doing, and I just wanted to give her stuff... I really didn't want to take money from her. But she was stubborn so I would quite her a ridiculously low $$ amount... made her feel better.



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I suppose a lot of people assume that we only crochet because we love to do so - which is true - but because I do it for love, I choose what I make, when and for whom. If someone else chooses for me, then they can darn well pay me for my time and effort, as well as for the materials and they better not complain about it...


If they do, then I would explain to them that I only make charity items for actual charities and I only make gifts for the people I love.


-- Michelle


That is a darn good quote!:yes

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