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How to send an item?

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I made my friends daughter a poncho for her upcoming birthday. I live in Alberta, and they live in BC so I have to pack it up and ship it to her. What's the best way to do this? Should I put it in a large ziploc baggy? Loose in a box? In a box with moving 'popcorn'? Would you include a dryer sheet so it smells fresh when it arrives? I worry a little that if I don't put it in a bag, the box may somehow get wet during shipping or something and make it all manky.


How do you ship your items?

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I usually wrap my item in tissue paper and then use the smallest box to ship.

I tape all seams on the box. That will pretty much take care of any wet issues. If you want to add a dryer sheet just for smell, that is an added bonus when the recipient opens it.

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I almost always put stuff in a plastic bag in case the pkg gets wet in transit. If it's a gift, you could wrap it in colored tissue paper and a ribbon, over the plastic bagt. I would not put a dryer sheet in. Personally, I hate when things arrive having any sort of scent. Some folks are allergic to things like that... I'm not allergic... just don't like artificial scents, and sometimes it is really hard to get the scent out.


Crocheted items don't really need peanuts to cushion them... they're not really breakable. I've been using the Tyvek envelopes that you can get for free from the post office (ooops.. just realized you are in Canada, so not sure if they have them there).



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Don't forget to insure it - not just the cost of the materials, but some amount for your time (be reasonable), since it's, more or less, not immeadiately replacable :-) That way, even if it does get wet, and therefore damaged, you can collect on it for cleaning or new yarn.


Advice given to me by the popstal clerk when I mailed two baby afghans to my sister for her twins :-)

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Does Canadian Mail have Delivery Confirmation? If so, use it. in the US it costs only 55cents if bought at the PO.. or free if you print your mailing labels online.


Insurance.. if you want to. Depends on how expensive a yarn you used.


I'd go with the ziplock bag and then inside a Tyvek envelope.


Unless it's very bulky.. then use a box. No dryer sheets. Achoo!!!

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I always enclose a finished item in a plastic bag of some sort, just to prevent any damage from water. I also put the addy of the person it's going to, and my return addy on a piece of paper inside the bag, just in case the box is completely destroyed and they need to look inside to see where it's supposed to go.


For really light things (pillows or little stuffed toys), I'll use the smallest box possible...but for heavy things, like blankets, I'll see if any of the flat rate boxes will fit it. With the flat rate boxes, it doesn't matter what it weighs, it's still the same price (I think it's around $8).


I also tend to let the person I'm sending to know it's on the way, and ask them to just drop me a note when they receive it, so that I know it gets there. I don't usually bother with the package insurance or the rush shipping or return receipt.


Good luck!!


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I like to put my crocheted items in plastic bags before putting them in the box. And I see I'm not the only one! I never use a dryer sheet or anything perfume-y, due to possible allergies.


I can't remember how expedited works within Canada, I don't often send within the country! But, if it is expedited, insurance is included up to a certain amount. Plus, there is a tracking code so that you can 'follow' your package at canadapost.ca. I like that, except it's not much good when sending to the States! Last I 'see' the package, it's in Mississauga, then I 'lose sight' until it actually gets to its recipient several days later!!


Adding on here in an edit: I got a hint from a post office employee. A lot of people are now using bubble wrap AS the packaging, since it's lighter than corrugated cardboard. Don't know if I would feel comfortable doing so, but I guess if something's sharp enough to puncture the bubblewrap, it could probably puncture cardboard!!



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i put stuff in a bag like a ziploc or what ever with a note including my name and address and the other persons address just in case it gets damaged or something and the post office will still have a way to send it back or to the person. then i pack that in a box and tape all sides seams etc just to help prevent the wacky weather from invading our goodies.

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