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Goodwill Yarn Jackpot!

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:yarn I went into the Goodwill today before lunch, and found a HUGE bag of yarn for $3.99. I just started looking through it, and found some really nice stuff. There was a BUNCH of rug wool in some pretty colors. (Can that be felted?) A bread bag full of soft baby yarn in cute colors. A lot of smaller balls of various colors, and some pretty blue crochet thread. I wish I could explain how big this bag is. I am pretty sure this is old stuff. Some of the labels say $1.00!


Now I have to figure out what to do with all of this stuff! :hook

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The labels on the rug wool say " All Virgin" or "100% Virgin". There are three colors that are going to make a really pretty scarf. So hopefully I will have a cute felted scarf soon :yay

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I found a small bag of yarn at my local thrift store they other day. It had 4 - 4 oz skeins of OLD yarn, but all the same color. They wanted $3.00 for it! I thought, I could buy brand NEW yarn for that price!


(It was acrylic)


I think I'll just have to use up my stash instead. No good finds for me!

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Goodwill and the like are good spots for yarn finds ;)

I also find the mixed lots on Ebay to be good sometimes. When I was restashing after I moved here from Canada I bought a few large lots off ebay that filled out my stash some... I have been depressed for two weeks because I missed out on an auction by .25 and 15 mins. Never step away from your computer while making a bid! hehehee (it was 87 skeins/balls of yarn and most of it WASNT acylic)

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I was in Salvation Army on Tuesday and they had three tubs of yarn for 50 cents each. The original prices said $1 and they were from now defunct Zayre's and Paperama. They were in pristine condition. I got $35 worth of yarn for $7.50. Yay!

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My local thrift stores have 50% off sales frequently too. I REALLY find some good deals then. :)


I just recently came across a great afghan pattern for using scraps. It's a Vanna White one called "Granny's Daughter" it calls for the start of granny squares. I think you might 600 and something of them!!!


So even if the yarn is just a bit..it works. :)


Happy hunting!

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