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The crochet 'high'

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Does anyone else get a buzz from finishing a project? I always do, whether it be a simple dishcloth, or an afghan. Last night I stayed up way to late to finish a poncho I've been working on. I got such a high from it, it took me forever to fall asleep after. I just kept thinking about the pics I'd take to show on here (I'll post them later!), how I'd wrap it for the recipient, what I was going to work on next, etc. Hubby even woke up and asked me if I was ok because I was tossing and turning so much. Waking up and seeing it this morning I felt a glow again. If crochet is an addiction, I'm a junkie!

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Does anyone else get a buzz from finishing a project? I always do, whether it be a simple dishcloth, or an afghan. Last night I stayed up way to late to finish a poncho I've been working on. I got such a high from it, it took me forever to fall asleep after. I just kept thinking about the pics I'd take to show on here (I'll post them later!), how I'd wrap it for the recipient, what I was going to work on next, etc. Hubby even woke up and asked me if I was ok because I was tossing and turning so much. Waking up and seeing it this morning I felt a glow again. If crochet is an addiction, I'm a junkie!


ME TOO!!!! I have a afghan, a poncho and a felted purse that I hve finished this week in my office and every so often I feel the need to go in there and pet them. LOL

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Sometimes, I get that high. Other times, it's like saying goodbye to an old friend--especially if it's a project I've worked on for a while. That's what I'm feeling with this one; I'm putting off sewing the snaps in place, because then the clutch/wallet I've been stewing over for 3 days will be done and our brief 'relationship' will be over.


But, there's still the excitement of the next challenge.



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Yep I'll admit to the addiction too! I always feel excitement when I've finished something, and marvel that I managed to make that from a strand of wool. The potential of a ball of wool... just amazes me!


However, the downside of the addiction... I get so attached to my finished works that I find them difficult to give away as gifts! I have to mentally prepare myself to give it away and keep that thought in mind the whole time I'm crocheting. Must be crocheter's separation anxiety!

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I so totally get the high..and I don't even have to wait til I finish something!! Guess I'm just an easy junkie LOL!! For me, when I'm working on anything for a while and I reach that certain point of the pattern where it actually starts looking like it is what it's supposed to be (like a sweater finally looking like something other than a rectangle LOL), I get a bit of a buzz going...when I know that I've only got a few more rows before a section is completed, I get a buzz...and I get this compulsion to just keep going even if it IS 3 am and I have to be caring for the kids in 2 hours....but the best high is when I get a projected totally finished....


In the last 3 days, I've finished a pillow, two hacky sack sets (complete with carry bag!), and untangling some frogged yarn. And I'm only 2 rows away from finishing the back of a maternity sweater I'm making for a friend....I'm thinking the high might just wear off sometime tomorrow...unless I finish something else (which I'm actually trying to do as I'm keeping myself from starting anything new til I finish off all my WIP's LOL!!!) Maybe I'll come down sometime next week??? Maybe not....:D



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I so totally get the high..and I don't even have to wait til I finish something!! Guess I'm just an easy junkie LOL!! For me, when I'm working on anything for a while and I reach that certain point of the pattern where it actually starts looking like it is what it's supposed to be (like a sweater finally looking like something other than a rectangle LOL), I get a bit of a buzz going...when I know that I've only got a few more rows before a section is completed, I get a buzz...and I get this compulsion to just keep going even if it IS 3 am and I have to be caring for the kids in 2 hours....but the best high is when I get a projected totally finished....


Me too!!!!!:clap


I am a major crochet junkie!!!!!!!! :woo


I sit at work all day on this site just drooling and it makes me so excited to go home and keep working on mine!!!:hyper:jumpyay


Addiction? yes

Insanity? Getting there!!!!!:lol:yes:drool:dance:laughroll:flying:loco:lookout:knit

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Normally, yes I do get that 'high.' However, right now, I think I've hit a wall...just am not motivated to work on anything, let alone finish anything...it's driving me crazy...hopefully soon I'll be massively addicted to crochet...

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i agree its just such a rush to get something done i am a pokey crocheter to get something started i hate the dreaded chain and first row but once i get going im ok and pretty quick then the last few rows strat coming to a head then before you know you are done and its like doing the happy dance

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