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My yarn is possessed

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Not all of my yarn, just this specific... well, it was a hank of yarn - one of those big drapey loopy things that are generally such a treat. Now this is some cool stuff! It's thick and thin, it's wool, it's hand dyed in a brownish/orange and a blue-ish/blue - trust me, the colors work. It is a delight, just sliding through the hook... ah, I'm ahead of myself.


It was cooperative on the yarn swift and being rolled into balls - there's about 500+ yards of this stuff, enough to make something, so I started making a stole but didn't like the way it was turninng out... so I frogged it (with the ball winder! very ingenious, I thought). So I looked at some patterns by our own dear Shelle who has some Leisure Arts books and decided on the Butterfly Shawl (really cute pattern!) and let me tell you, that yarn did NOTHING for it, no fault of the pattern of course (and by the way, this is not the Butterfly Shawl Crochet Along, it's a different Butterfly Shawl!!! Then I found a scarf pattern from Nexstitch and started on that - by now I'm just unraveling it from the butterfly shawl and making the scarf... but then hubby gives me the "what are you MAKING???" look and I had to agree, it's bad.


So now I have a two-headed partial shawl, partial scarf, joined at about the two-thirds mark, and I honestly don't know what this yarn wants to be! I think it wants to be played with, like a cat! It doesn't want to be a finished anything, just wants to be stitched and frogged and stitched again and maybe taken to the wild animal park to visit its cousins... I don't even think I'd get a demerit for having a UFO if I leave this thing - you know - send it back out into the wild... I think it would be an act of self-preservation...:think I am really confused here... never had this happen before...

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ROFL I'm having this problem right now, too! I started a poncho, but it was too scratchy, so I frogged and started a sweater for my daughter. Still too scratchy (I think the stitches are too tight.) So I started to use it for a sweater for myself, thinking that the stitches would be larger so it would be softer. Wrong...by now I'm just working from the smaller sweater and it's totally double-ended. I've just given up and it's balled up in a bag under my bed.

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ROFL I'm having this problem right now, too! I started a poncho, but it was too scratchy, so I frogged and started a sweater for my daughter. Still too scratchy (I think the stitches are too tight.) So I started to use it for a sweater for myself, thinking that the stitches would be larger so it would be softer. Wrong...by now I'm just working from the smaller sweater and it's totally double-ended. I've just given up and it's balled up in a bag under my bed.


Would it like some company under the bed? They could hang out: double-ended partially finished crocheted things going through an identity crisis!

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I have absolutely had this problem before! I hate it when I fall in love with a yarn but it just doesn't look right when I start trying to stitch it into different things. I have several skeins like this just taking up space in my stash.

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I'd have to agree with snugsmontreal... the yarn :yarn will eventually tell you what it wants to be... or you'll find the perfect pattern when you least expect it (and probably when you have 16 different projects that HAVE TO get DONE NOW! and it'll make you nuts having to wait!).


Have I been in your position? haha.. too many times. :hook Good luck with that possessed yarn. :devil

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Glad to know I'm not the only who has purchased possessed yarn. A couple of years ago I bought a large hank of beautiful (& pricey), hand dyed, thick/thin yarn. I had visions of a lovely hooded scarf for my daughter. The yarn refused to cooperate, tried a plain scarf...nope. I would drag it out now & then, but it refused to do anything but be pretty balls of yarn. Last week, I finally tamed the beast. It wanted to be a large tote with bamboo handles.


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Okay I know this won't be popular, but maybe it's the kind of yarn that just wants to be knitted.


I've had different kinds of beautiful yarn, that just lost their special beauty when I tried to crochet them. I think the people that design yarn are 'knit-centric' and usually think about how it's going to look in a knit project, and make the colour-changes and effects to suit that. Since crochet stitches have more twists and turns in them than a simple knit stitch, they sometimes break up the colour a lot and just make the whole thing look messy. Thick-and-thin yarns can make a crochet project completely lopsided. I've given up crocheting some yarns, because I couldn't recognise the yarn once it had passed the hook. :no


I know, it's not fair. We should unite to create a world that's equal for knitters and crocheters alike, with specialty yarns that don't look fantastic until they've reached the 15th bullionspiral!


Let's join the Crochet front! *insert smilie with raised hook in fist* :devil


I hope you find a use for it. :hug

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I have a similar problem, but with a twist... I've been looking for the perfect pattern for a ball of Qiviut (musk ox wool) my parents brought me from Alaska last year. Frankly, I am totally intimidated by this yarn & am afraid to do anything with it! I had no idea how expensive this stuff is till I started looking on line for patterns, and once I found out, I put it in a place of honor & haven't touched it since. Now it keeps haunting me from my stash, feeling much ignored & put-out. Sigh. Maybe someday I will have the confidence to take a hook to it ;)

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Oh no!:eek I think you may have bought Fug's evil cousin! You may have to make something with a head so it can spin around!!!


Funny you would bring that up because I was realizing this is the SECOND time I've brought the issue of problem yarn to the board here for help. I'm just gonna let it sit there and gnaw on itself until it tells me WHAT IT WANTS TO BE!


I did get my issue of Crochet! today (I think mine came late...) and there were several patterns in there that I thought looked hopeful, but then I realized: Who am I kidding? This yarn isn't ready to be anything... it's still in its infancy and is just taunting me, trying to bait me into frogging it - I wouldn't even know WHAT to frog now since it's two-headed - and try yet another pattern!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...



Just PLEASE promise that you won't put it under the sofa where (if memory serves) the remaining Fugly yarn is living.:devil


*** - - think of the consequences if they mated!!!!!:scared:ohdear:loco


Hazmat teams, demonstrations on your front lawn, police baricades, paparazzi. :eek And for heaven sake, DON'T send it to Shelle.

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youre positive it's not an fo now? sounds to me like you made a pushmepullyou ...=] (ala dr. doolittle)




Yes, You're right! It's one of, um, those:think




Just PLEASE promise that you won't put it under the sofa where (if memory serves) the remaining Fugly yarn is living.:devil


*** - - think of the consequences if they mated!!!!!:scared:ohdear:loco


Hazmat teams, demonstrations on your front lawn, police baricades, paparazzi. :eek And for heaven sake, DON'T send it to Shelle.


It's too late!!!! I forgot about the rest of the Fugly yarn stashed under there... actually it lives under there just lurking around... and the two yarns have joined forces!!!! It's kinda scary and when you sit on the couch you can't dangle your feet - you have to pull 'em up under you otherwise it tries to bite!:eek

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paulette, you crack me up. oh my gosh girl, i know when i read one of your posts i am going to be laughing before i am done. would it like some cousins to visit it? i have some yarn like that. i have frogged it 5 times, now it sits there all alone. daring me to try it once again.:eek :eek :eek:eek oh well i guess it is meant to be just petted, maybe i could give it to the cat to play with:devil :devil :devil just kidding i think i would have heart failure if i did that :lol :lol thanks again kiddo for a awesome and well needed laugh:manyheart

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