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My foster son is leaving for Florida tomorrow some time. I want to make him something but dont have alot of time. he's 13 and has lived with me for over 4 years, I love him just as much as my "real" children. If anyone could help me out with this, ideas etc. I would appreciate it.:manyheart

I really planned to make him an afghan since he's graduating 8th grade, but now I wont have the time to do even this for him.:(



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oh wow.. how sad :( perhaps a beanie? it is coming into winter and is bound to be used and super quick. oh heck.. american's dont call them beanies... umm... what are they called... umm?? like a skull cap, for men. no idea what else to call it at this stage. you an always post him the afghan as a grad gift ;)

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What area of FL is he heading to? A skull cap and/or scarf if heading to the Northern part of the state.. Hacky sacks if going south.


It doesn't get really cold most of the time in FL.. but the humidity makes what cold there is quite piercing.


Good luck to him and :hug to you.

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fingerless gloves would work in the winter here in Florida. It gets quite chilly for the kids at the bus stop in the am.


Some of the kids still wear beanies here...I think it is kind of a clique thing though. :think


How about a stuffed animal......maybe a snake or dragon or something :think

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