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where has my crochet mojo gone (long)

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i, as all of us here, love crochet, and have been known to knit once in a while too. i am not too shabby at either since i have so many years of experience. but i seem to have gotten myself into a slump. i have no desire to crochet or knit or anything else for the most part.


as it goes, it went something like this, firstly i have a friend who bought a craft booth and very generously asked me to help her fill it up with items for sale, since what she had in mind wasnt enough, without any charge. in exchange she will sell my items if i make her a couple items free of charge for herself, which no problem for me. so onto my plate went many items she asked me to make by november, still far away but i am one partially finished item away from finishing the order. knowing my deadline for nov would soon approach and i still have all my christmas items to finish i figured i would try to knock out that "order" as fast as i could. i work somewhere between part time and full time so i have been spending my free time doing these things. then i was commissioned to make 2 last minute (3 weeks time) shawl and matching purse sets for a friend of a friend to wear to a wedding, paid for of course. which not that it takes me that much time but then i had to add that plus this previous order plus my own christmas items to my list.


so i am the type that having orders to fill, while nice for the extra cash, is too tedious for my liking. i feel chained down to deadlines and patterns/items. when it comes to making my own items i like to write my own patterns, make my own designs, and in general just be free and liberal. unfortunately for me most non-crocheters and my customers dont share my vision of freedom when it comes to things they buy. oh well, woe is me, i could be much worse if i had no one to sell to to further fund my addiction. i guess we can't bite the hand that feeds right. i just want my crochet mojo back, i feel so lazy just watching a movie with the hubby and my hands not moving :eek

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that's too bad that you have so much on your plate it's taking the fun out of your crocheting and creating stress and pressure. I hope you get through this and get to enjoy creating and designing again really soon!:hug

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time to step back for a bit hon, then once you have had a break from the stress, prioritize what needs to be done. did you sign a contract with your friend to fill her booths up? or is it she has other crafters and she and you are helping each other? then what i did when i was in this position was stop taking more orders, even if its for your mother, just don't add anything more to your stress, then finish the projects one at a time and then and only then once you are all caught up, then you could add more things on, its so easy to get overwhelmed when someone wants you to make things and they offer to sell them for you for no charge but a small percentage. i know been there done that, now i refuse to take any orders that i am not comfortable making within a certain period of time and i refuse to make any around christmas as i make ornaments for my family and friends besides making my christmas presents. i hope that helped to hear you are not alone nor is it a total disasster that it feels like right now. hang in there sweetie and god bless:hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug

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When I get this way I pick the funkest yarn I have and just start messing with it. No ryme reason. Just start playing. I have found when you do this and just start going your mind starts moving to. Remeber the only person who can make you feel truly better is you.

Anyways that is what I do. I hope it comes back to you soon.

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I totally understand, I too like you, find it hard to HAVE to make something, like last christmas when everyone and their sister wanted a fun fur scarf, and of course they paid for them, but for me too it is the idea of HAVING to do something..I hear ya sista, we are woman, hear us ROAR...:yay

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Sorry to hear, snugs, and I think I understand. Like Joann said, it's when it becomes a job you have to do that it takes all the fun out of it. It's perfectly fine to watch a movie with hubby without moving your hands for now, I'm sure before you know it, they will start itching.


Good luck! :cheer

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