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Crochet addict in training

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The other day I put my 4 month old in her excersaucer and sat down on the floor next to her. I figured I'd get a couple rows of crocheting done before she decided she didn't want to be in the saucer anymore. After a minute or two I realized she was being very quiet and I looked up at her and she was just watching my hands. She must have sat there for about 10 minutes after just quietly watching me crochet. :c9 She did it again last night, DH was trying to play with her and she was completely ignoring him and watching my hands instead!

So, how early is too early to put a hook and yarn in her hands?:hook Maybe I should start her stash now so she won't be stealing from mine!!

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My younger DD did that...I used to crochet with her laying on my chest when she was a newborn...she'd either just be hanging out or drifting off to sleep and I'd start crochetting...it took me a while to realize that she wasn't always asleep, but she was sort of zoned into watching me work....


Now, she's two and love to play with an extra hook while I crochet....



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my thoughts on this:


sure get her some yarn to play with. also consider making her some type of toy. as engrossed as she seems to be with your work she would be thrilled to recieve a gift from you after watching you build it. I don't think that her being so young should be a deterent from giving her a hand-made gift, she is after all just a small human being, complete with her own set of emotions.

unless she exhibits an extrodinary appitude I would probably wait until she was three or four before trying to teach her though. possibly you could get her a yarn kit to play with and she could learn how to pull yarn. only small balls which would be easy to rewind by hand and not end up too scattered around. possibly scraps from previous projects. unfortunately, hooks are too pointy to let her play with though. if she seems to want to pull your work apart, try building her some swatches that she can "frog" on her own.

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I imagine that really she is watching that colorful hook flash around. It is pretty and the yarn is such nice looking stuff as well.


But just in case you might want to put a lock on your stash, she could be plotting to make it her own! :lol :lol

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if you start her stash now it will be you stealing hers!! :D i think it mesmerises them in the way swaying back and forth does, that whole repetitive motion thingy. so cute though!! my dd is 3 and wants to use the hook herself

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My son is 6 and he loves watching me crochet, he even helps out all the time.

The best is when I set my work down one night and went into the kitchen and we I came back by BF had the work and hook in hand trying to figure out how to do it. I just laughed

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