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I did it!!!

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:clap I finished my mom's Christmas presents!! The last potholder I made for the set came out EVEN! (I still had trouble with the edging) All the way around. It is a square! Honest! (I will have pictures of the set later, my boyfriend with the camera phone is out of town)


I feel very accomplished and pretty awesome! :yay


(and you know a lot of this could not be done without you guys)


I can't wait to get started on my next project. (and it's a big one!) :hook

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Hurrah! I KNEW you could do it! Can't wait to see your next project! Keep up the good work... :)

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Congrads. on finishing the project. I am finishing up a shawl with buillion roses on the edges. and the pink legwarmers.

Feels good to get projects finished doesn't it? PINKROSES

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