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My daughter (Ah Leah) has become a yarn-aholic

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Ah Leah: You will find as a stasher that no matter what the project you never seem to have the right color, or amount in your stash. When figuring out ounces in project with ounces in skein and dividing for how many needed you will then remember Oh, Yea we really do need math after all! Remember when you thought you would never need this for real life:hook As for the winters----pump the brakes, never slam them on, and go with the slide. Black ice is the worst. But please take the time to see how the moonlight makes the snow like little diamonds. Then get some cocoa and snuggle up with the weather channel like the rest of us do in the NE. That one skein can make a very nice hat!

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Good morning all was reading alittle through the post. (I Can't play to much this morning have to actually work today:lol )

Anyways like many I am a yarnaholic, and I have turned my mother in one as well. Which got me thinking. If us yarnaholics put all our yarn together what do you think we could fill? A barn, a stadium. Or maybe worse:clap

Everyone have a great day.


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You all are so sweet:hug ! I really appreciate the driving advice you're giving 'cause like I said before, we don't do snow in this part of California - I don't know why... maybe the surfer's union got together and vetoed snow so we could have year round surfing:think . I was so happy when some of you mentioned living in Virginia too - she attends Northern Virginia College and is also near George Mason if that means anything to anybody finding her there... I didn't do so hot in geography so it took me a while to find Virgnia on the map; imagine my surprise when I found out there was not one but TWO Virginias, one being west of the other one with the very original name of West Virginia... but I regress


I miss my little girl so much (even though she's 19). Her first year of college she was only five hours away and took the train home on several occassions and we also were able to go up to see her and pick her up and drop her off... but since she moved 463,000 miles away to Virginia (yes, I've measured it and Virginia is REALLY FAR) I won't see her until Christmas.:(


I am so happy that she and I can share our love of crochet with each other and here on the 'ville. *sniff sniff*


And now off to work to call her during Spanish class! We talk almost every day and I LOVE it!!!!!:manyheart

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I am only 18 and graduated High-School last year. I have now becaome a yarnaholic in the past month or so.


Personally I see nothing wrong with it. It is all I think about doing all day while I'm at work and when I am home it is all I am doing (and if I'm not crocheting and I'm home I'm cleaning or cooking!)

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