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Starting chains turn

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I am getting rather annoyed with myself. I have repeatedly tried to start a pattern (different ones) with a starting chain that is then joined to form the circle.


I have done everything I can to keep the chain straight at the joining and it invariably turns while I am crocheting. It is definitely straight at joining:think


What might I be doing wrong?:blush

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Hi darski


I'm sure you're ot doing anything wrong! Chains have a habit of doing that, the varmints :bang It's one of their little quirks. . .


You didn't say what you were making. If it's a small circle, like for a doily or part of a stuffed toy, could you maybe use one of the other methods -- adjustable ring or crocheting into the last stitch of a tiny chain?


If it's a large circle, such as for a sweater made in the round, I'd work the first row straight and then join at the end of it. You can sew up the tiny gap later with your yarn tail and it won't notice.


Don't let it beat you!



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I have started doing that first row straight for the sweaters I am doing.


I don't worry about doilies and such when you cover the ring and they don't seem to turn in that short run.


Thanks for the encouragement. and the smiles too

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