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Crochet Back Ache...what do you sit on?

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Hi...I have a major crochet back Ache! :(


I was wondering....What type of chair do you sit on? I sit on the back of the bed with some pillows at the back....and OHH I have such a back ache! I thought perhaps I should by one of those chairs, those one seater chairs....the folding up and down kind. I forgot what their called.

Love seats...:think


Anyway, can you help

Thank you,


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there is no way i could sit kike that. i perch in a corner of my couch to crochet, ir the beanbag out in the sun.


i think you might mean a recliner? i'd love that! or even a rocking chair. i guess my ex called me G.I.T. for a reason (G.I.T. was his affectionate term for Granny in Training!!)

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I sit on the couch too. I also have to put a pillow behind me sometimes to relive the back. Mine is usually in the lower back, lumbar I think they call it. Sometimes I will have to sit in the recliner but the arms on both sides bothers me there or a kitchen chair which gets a little hard on the hinnie after a while.

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I, too, sit in the corner of the couch, with a pillow at the small of my back.


I'll sometimes lay down, but I'll lay out pillows so that my whole back is supported.


I also make sure that I keep my arms supported, but NOT on the couch arms - they are up waaay too high.


I've found crocheting in my rocking chair is really comfortable (just give me a granny cap and some specatcles and call me an old maid, lol!), as is crocheting in my computer chair. I think it's the proper arm rests that help.


Oh, and I'm very concious of NOT jutting my head foward as I crochet (learned from a PT years ago that jutting your chin and jaw forward is a leading cause of back pain). I have to remind myself to bring the work to my eyes, not my eyes to the work, when I need to examine it!

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Most often I sit in a recliner. I am fortunate to have inherited a small wooden rocking chair with not arms (made by my grandfather) that is a bit lower than a regular chair (my grandma was SHORT) -- I love to use this when working on LARGE projects as when I'm sitting, my knees are slightly above the seat level. Keeps me in a good alignment and the pressure off the back of my knees. Now if I'd just do a needlepoint cushion and refinish the rocker instead of sitting on a thin pillow (original wicker seat has seen better days)......................need more time!

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I ususally sit in a corner of the couch. But my favorite spot seems to be on the floor, with either the coffee table or an end table at my back(go figure!). If I do crochet in the bed, I find that I have to lean back really far...or my neck starts to give me problems.

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Well,....everyone sounds like I have to ask my hubby..."Can you please get me a Reclyner like everyone else with a normal back :dreaming I promise not to ask you for anymore yarn" :heehee My back is still pretty sore, but I really don't have a choice at the moment...I'm still crocheting at the back of the bed. I've received great advice from everyone and I didn't think about "not" bringing my head and chin forward Tiga to prevent so much pain, I kept looking down (duhh).... I really get major headaches from so much crocheting!:headache BUT IT DOESN'T seem to stop me! LOL I think its from the back aches....really.


Well, off to go hunt for a little in expensive reclyner for me. Wish me luck everyone! and thank you for your great advices! :flower Thank you my Crochet buddy's!


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Hmmm, it all depends on what seems to be available around here, LOL!! If the recliner is free I sit in it, if not then the sofa. A lot of times I will stretch out and sit in bed, watch TV and crochet. That's all for when I am home and not out on the truck with hubby then it's in the jump seat. Doesn't matter where I sit, my back still aches between the shoulder blades.



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I'm a couch sitter. But I have to been on the end so that my left side is in the corner, and I have to be sitting either cross-legged or with one leg tucked beneath me...and I keep all my stuff in my project bag either at my feet or on the cushion next to me (which I prefer)...and while I occasionally have to put down my work and walk around to get rid of the pins & needles in my legs, I have found that sitting this way doesn't hurt my back...which is amazing cause pretty much everything else does LOL!!



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I find that rockers, recliners, couches, and beds just make me hurt more (one reason I hate being sick in bed).


I sit in a regular chair to knit/crochet (one in which my feet don't dangle but can be comfortably flat on the floor), and no slouchiong of the shoulders (like when properly typing or piano playing). No pain - not in my back or in my chest (slouching restricts my breathing and gives me chest pain).


Since I sit this way a lot (knit/crochet, computer/typing, piano and bassoon playing) it is most comfortable for me. If you're not used to it, it'll give you back pains for a while until your muscles get used to it.

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I'm most comfortable sitting on the sofa in a relaxed position. I think that part of the reason why this works for me is because I'm not looking down at my hands. They are more eye level when I slouch! :blush

My back ends up hurting if I try to crochet sitting up in a straight back chair. :yes

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I crochet sitting in bed with 1 of those backrests that looks like a chairback with armrests. Or sitting in livingroom chair and feet on

a footstool. If I crochet outside I use one of those fold up chairs that

comes in a carry bag. That is the most uncomfortable of the 3. I used to be a couch crocheter. But we have a futon now. Which leans back to far lol.

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I crochet just about anywhere. But, if I'm doing "marathon' crocheting it has to be a straight back chair, at the dining room table. I find sitting there just naturally makes me have better posture, so I can last longer.

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Add me to the recliner list! We have a couch with recliners on each end, so it's lovely, no arm rests in the way, and I have plenty of space next to me for all the tools of the trade! (extra balls of wool, hooks, and the project itself!). I just know it's time to take a break when my hands start to hurt! If only that didn't happen... I'd have so many projects finished by now! :)

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when i sit down and crochet. i make sure i have my heatpack(is one which you can heat up in the microwave) i also normally sit on the love seat which is basicly a 2 seat sofa, and i put a pillow or 2 depending on how bad myback hurts, then the heat pack, with my legs up so i am not putting alot of strain on my back, i have severe bac problems and this works well for me, also i move around alot, don't just sit in one spot more than 20 minutes, otherwise your back will get use to it, and start pulling. also if you are going to be sitting for long. make sure you shift yourself around. i have 2 herniated discs and have had 2 discs fused so i am extremely careful of how i sit. do your back a favor, if it starts to hurt, stop what your doing and rest it:hug :hug :hug :hug

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