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Crochet hooks on airplanes?

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I don't know what airline you are using, where you are flying from etc., but I am also taking a trip soon, so I logged onto this website to see if I could take my hooks and yarn and yyaaayyy,:clap I can. Check it out!!



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I'm also flying tomorrow, but to Florence, Alabama, a slightly less exotic location than Hawaii. :lol


I plan to take a printed out version of the TSA rules with me to the airport, just in case... The agents sometimes make "judgment calls" on whether they'll allow something, and I don't want any surprises. I'm also taking a padded envelope that I can mail my hooks home in if I have to!



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Be aware!!! All airports can decide to change such rules on their own. One day they may allow hooks the next they won't. It also depends on the airport your flying out from. For example phoenix airport is one of the strictest airports i have ever flow too. I can't imagine they would let you take hooks. Good - luck and have a safe trip!

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Last week nearly everything was forbidden to take from Vienna in the airplane to London. A friend of mine was only allowed to take the following things:


a clear bag, containing his passport, his keys and his ticket. Finish.


London is only 2 hours from Vienna, so it is not too bad. But imagine a 10 hours flight with only this bag...

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Last time I flew I told the security people I had crochet hooks in my bag and they said "no problem."


Good idea about taking the padded envelope to mail your hooks home just in case the security won't allow them past the checkpoint!

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I have traveled a lot the last year on planes, to Europe and around the U.S. I have had no problem with metal crochet hooks. I do take a plastic one as a back-up just in case they take the metal one, but I haven't needed it.

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Yeah, I've heard the padded envelope thing is a good idea just in case.

I've only flown a few times in the past 5 years, but what I have been doing to be on the safe side is just bring a book for entertainment. It's compact and it's blunt. Sucks though, because I want to be doing something crafty, but I just know that somehow my having a teeny wooden/plastic hook or needle set will make everyone suspicious.


But if you must take your crochet with you I'd say go to your nearest and cheapest crochet hook merchant and get those icky susan bates plastic ones. They are cheap and stupid, so if you lose it while wandering through a lava tube you won't care, because it's the crappiest hook on earth. If you need a thread cutting implement and don't have a pendant (or think they might confiscate that too) take a dental floss thingy. It has the metal thing in it that cuts the floss - also not a big deal if they take it from you.

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