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Love your yarn too much?

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Does anyone else have this problem?:

I buy yarn that I love:heart so much that I can never find a pattern that is good enough for it. It is as if I spent to much money on it to use on just anything! ON the other hand I spent too much money to just let it sit there!


It is happening right now with a beautiful skein of hand painted yarn that I bought. it is so gorgeous just how it is that I fear it won't look as nice made into something. But that is the whole point, to make things!:blink


Can you tell I am having a problem!! :loser

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I can really relate to that sentiment! I've done this more times than I can count. My yarn ends up languishing while I look at hundreds of patterns, trying to visualize the end result. But I must admit, sometimes this can be my favorite part of a project! :lol

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Oh my gosh, I have the same issue (I don't want to say it's a problem) right now with the Debbie Bliss silk yarn I bought at WEBS in July. It's so unbelievably gorgeous, I just want to touch it! Plus, to really make something out of it, I'll need to buy more, and well, I'm a little tight on my budget because my moving expenses are catching up. But it sure is a gorgeous yarn!

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I have the same problem, except this time it is with yarn that was given to me as a gift. I want to find the right pattern for it, but have yet to look at one and say Yeah that's it.

So I look at is as not ignoring the yarn, but letting it age till it is ready for use. I think or rather hope it will tell me when it is ready.:lol

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Me too, me too! LOL! I think it's the money thing with me too. If I spent more than I usually do for yarn...I don't want to make just any old thing with it....it has to be special!! lol! So, most times...there it sits...but I still get to "squish" it!

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Oh yes, I have this problem often! In fact, I have a wonderful skein of yarn that I got in July for my One Skein Swap and I just cannot figure out what to make with it. It's too unusual a yarn to make a scarf with and I would like it to show the true color of the personality of the yarn. So, until I find the right pattern for that yarn, it'll have to sit on my shelves!

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I have the opposite problem! I have some patterns for items that I really, really, really want to make -- but I can't decide on a yarn. I look at various yarns, colors, textures, etc., and simply can't commit.


I think it's the same idea -- worrying that it won't turn out as well as I envision it in my head. :dreaming



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I go and get sooooo many idea's what to make, and end up too cheep to get the yarn....well not really too cheep, just too poor I guess, and now that I have the Crochetville hook up, I have access to soooo many free patterns through the great sites posted here..oh if only I could commit..lol..BUT I do almost have the halloween exchange done, so that is a plus:think isn't it??

Well, I found some "left over yarn" in my clsoet and started a mile-a-minute afghan with it...so I have to add that to my WIP:eek

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Oh, my! I just suffered from this problem for the first time this week! A friend sent me a ball of absolutely SOFT and BEAUTIFUL handpainted wool. It is just so perfect that I don't know what to do with it!!


Since, to be honest, I have absolutely no use for wool products in South Florida, I think I'm going to turn it into a beautiful hat to donate to charity. I'd love to put a smile on the face of some struggling mom in a women's shelter who has never had something beautiful to wear, and warm to boot! Now I just need to track down the perfect pattern...

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I can relate to this problem, too. I tend to have this problem with not only expensive yarn but also cheaper yarns; one thing I have found that helps me is if I only buy yarn with a specific project in mind. When I impulse buy a skein or two of yarn, I find that I have a really hard time using it---no matter what it cost. So, I try not to buy yarn on impulse anymore.



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I do this. but the problem for me is how much of it do I buy with out a pattern. I have come up short a few times


Which is why you should always have white on hand. I have used white in more projects than you can shake a stick at to make it spread the "other yarn". It's a bit like watering the stew into soup :D

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That is funny about the white. Cause when I did the christing gown I thought I had way enough white to get through it. Well I used a pound of yarn and THREE spare skiens that I had lying around that I picked up here and there. The problem what that the pound was bright white. So my white stash is gone now. (Guess I have to go shopping again:lol )

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I have this problem TOO often - I'll buy a skein or two of some new yarn that I think I can't live without - and then it goes unused, because 1. I love it and don't want to "waste" it, and 2. I can't find a pattern for it that will do it justice! So, now I don't buy yarn unless I have a pattern for it. It's difficult to pass all that greatness up though!

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