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OH MY! This is an expensive pattern!

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Yeah 9.99 is a little steep. I certainly wouldn't pay it, especially since it doesn't look like an overly complicated pattern. It looks like a ripple gan with a hole in the middle for a head.

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e-bay has a lot of expensive patterns for sale. They had one that was a 9.99 cover price and it sold for $ 70.00 plus. I guess they can get away with the high prices, because a lot of these high pricers are out of print.

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but if they are out of print people will pay this for them especially if they are going to use them for certain things. There are several that I would love to have but just can't see paying that for them.

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To me that is just insane! I don't care if it is out of print I can find something else to make that is a lot less expensive. Not to mention that if you look around you can probably get the same pattern somewhere else for a lot less. People on ebay tend to lose their minds in the bidding frenzy!

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People on ebay tend to lose their minds in the bidding frenzy!
My DH and I have noticed this a lot on Ebay. People bid amounts above even suggested retail (who ever has to pay that?). Sometimes WAY above retail. It's the competition thing, I think.


Of course, some people get some fantastic deals too. :)

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I have to add to this thread ..as I was one of those people that fed into the "frenzy" a few years ago. I was on a bidding war for a big roll of tulle. I wasn't even thinking when I kept increasing my bid. My husband was sitting on his computer next to me.. when the auction closed.. I hit his shoulder and declaired.. "I WON!!" WHOOO ..YAY!! .. OK.. here is what I won.. a 150 yd - 4 inches wide roll of tulle (the stuff you drape everywhere at weddings) FOR $35!!! I saw it at the store later for $3.95..


My husband will never let me live that one down. Yah..I sure won.. :)

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Awww... it's so cute! I don't even HAVE any kids, or know any who I could put one on for sure just yet, but.... I really want to make one of these. :lol


I've been looking for a comparable pattern(s) to go by to do one, but can't find anything good; anyone know where I might find something? (other than the original, which I will be on the lookout for)

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