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Kay close to the edge (Again)

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:eek Im making a chirsting gown for my BF godson. This monster (YES MONSTER) Has to be done this week. First I ran into knots in my pounder. Had to pull out a number of rows. And had to get more yarn. To top it off I bought a hook on Ebay. I homemake wood hook. Im using it last night and the tip broke off:angry This is the first time I even used it. I have never had this much trouble with a project. I can't wait to be done.


Has this ever happend to you?


Sorry needed to vent on this. I was up until 2am doing the sleeves. ( Cause I had to pull a whole side out) :no


Thanks for letting me rant


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I am sorry you are having so many problems with the gown!:hug

I can totally relate!!



Short answer, yes, this has happened to me..


Long answer...I was ready to hurt someone!!


I was not crocheting the gown, but sewing it. My sister wanted the Ava Maria symbol embroidered on the gown.


The problems started 2 weeks before the baptism... my machine broke.:( I had to order a part, it took a week and a half to get to get the part.:(

Got the part......completed the gown except the hem.

Then, set out to embroider it.


My disk I got with the sewing machine...so I can digitalize images,.... was junk.:(


Since they no longer make this particular machine I own, I can not replace the disk. (not happy with Singer):(


O.k...now I have to find an image on the internet that is already digitalized that I can get for free, or purchase.

After looking online for nearly 3 hours, I find the perfect image at holyneedle.com. FANTASTIC! I am so excited.:clap


Then, I go to pay for it, with my paypal, I forgot I emptied out my account 2 days previous. :(

Ok.... I waited 4 hours before someone bought 3 patterns...I had enough for the image now... FANTASTIC!:clap

My sister wanted it done in gold metallic thread.....it is flimsier than tinsel. I litterly had to hold the thread, using thumb and first finger on BOTH hands to get the tension right..and the blasted thread broke numerous time. :(

The machine is/was not capable of using metallic thread in it!!:(

By the time I was done embroidering it, it took nearly 2 hours.


O.k....at least I was done...right....

OH NOOOOOOOOOOOO no no no!:angry


All I had left to do was remove the hoop, and finish up the hem of the dress.

Removing the hoop was impossible. A piece of the gown was not clear of the design, and was emboidered into the image.

Litterly, I had emboidered the hoop into the gown.

After crying for what seems like hours, :(

I cut the hoop free of the gown, threw the gown in the garbage...and called it a day.


Now, funny thing, the next day, (only 2 days before the baptism) I started AND completed the gown, with no problems.

The gown turned out absolutely beautiful.

She had TONS of compliments on it.

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Oh dear, vent away! I can't even COUNT the number of things I had to do at the last minute, and of course everything that can will go wrong. Sending you good vibes:manyheart

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