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The stash maddness has begun!

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(I hope this is the right place for this. Please forgive the newbie. Babbling will now commence!)


I have to share my excitement with people who will understand that blush of new love.


At first it started with a pretty variegated skein of Red Heart called Painted Desert. It was on sale at Hobby Lobby, and the price was a good excuse to learn to crochet. That was last week.


Today I went to Hobby Lobby to pick up some cotton yarn to make my mum's Christmas presents. I picked up two pretty (and matching) skeins of Lily Sugar & Cream. I walked up and down the aisles of yarn and ooo'd and ahhh'd over the colors and types. (much to the amusement of the boyfriend) I wanted to fill a shopping cart full but my budget allowed me those two skeins and a new hook. The boyfriend was a dear, and bought me some mocha eyelash yarn. (I have a cute fuzzy monster idea)


As soon as I got home I went through my old purses and found a nice big bag with pockets all over the outside. I officially have a crochet bag!! I cannot tell you how excited this makes me!


Now if I could only find a way to make my stash grow without having to spend a fortune!


(Thanks for listening, now it is time to bust out the hook and get some work done!)

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YAY!!:clap Aren't new addictions fun??


As far as growing your stash goes, I've had luck searching ebay auctions for big boxes of various yarn types. It's always a fun surprise to see what the yarn is going to be like. Sometimes it's great, and sometimes it's a dud, but I usually find a way to use everything. I also watch sales and use coupons at JoAnn Fabrics, or I just go through my mom's stash and beg yarn off of her!:lol


I've heard of people having good luck getting free or almost free yarn through their local Freecycle or at thrift shops, but I've never had any luck at either one.


Have fun!!

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Go to HobbyLobby.com and sign up for their mailing list. They will send you an email each week with a coupon and a copy of their sale ad for the week. They always have some kind of yarn on sale, and the expensive ones you can buy one skein at a time with your 40% off coupons. :cheer

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Sometimes you can get yarn really cheap at garage sales. Just watch out for the old acrylics that are too rough.


Try to buy yarn you will really use. A lot of money can get tied up in yarn that you don't have a project for.


If you do things for charity, people will occasionally give you yarn. :yay


Enjoy crocheting!!!!!!

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Sometimes you can get yarn really cheap at garage sales. Just watch out for the old acrylics that are too rough.


I search all the St. Vinnies and Goodwills in the area. They always have yarn its cheap and good for small projects. I also go to auctions and grab yarn. I got some great deals that way. Caution on the JoAnns and Stores. Do not enter if it isn't in your buget. It can be VERY addicting and you can spend money you don't have I usually only so once every two months when they have a great sale.:yes

Happy Hooking:hook

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Welcome to our world. Today it is yarn tomorrow it is patterns.

Lot's of us have found both at garage, estate and yard sales. Along with Goodwill and Salvation Army.

The main thing is to have fun and Keep the boyfriend who will buy a skein or two.:hook

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One of the most economical yarn buys is Simply Soft by Caron at Wal Mart. Believe it or not, it's often cheaper than what I find at my local thrift store. But then, our local thrift store charges a lot for fabric and yarn.


So glad you love crochet. :cheer

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congrats on the new addiction of buying stash..lol.. I lucked out this summer and went to a garage sale and got a whole big rubber maid tub full of yarn, now they were all unused and alot of matching colors, plus she let me have the rubber maid tub.!!!.. I paid 20.00 for all of it, this really helped with my stash, needless to say I cross stitch also and that stash is growning by the day .. have great fun with picking up yarn here and there , its a great way to get out of the house... :cheer

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You will be suprised at how quickly your stash will grow. I have found really good sales. (my most recent was at wal-mart last Friday, yarn that is normal 4.00 was on clearance for 1.00, of course I bought several skeins). But you may also find that as your hobby grows and people know about it, people are very generous with yarn they are not gonna use. My neighbor has given me lots of yarn over the last few years. My mother now looks for yarn at yard sales, flea markets, and occasionally walmart when she is shopping. She brought me a large garbage bag (33 gallon) full of yarn, sewing thread, plastic canvas, and floss, I was in heaven for a little while. :lol I was so happy I made her cookies (her favorite, and dinner)


I know I have a problem, but it's not hurting anybody LOL!



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:manyheart You guys are awesome, I feel so loved! :c9 Thanks for all the great tips and ideas. We have a lot of yard sales around my neighborhood, so on Saturday I am going to get up early and go scrounging, and maybe stop by some Goodwills. Keep your fingers crossed that I make out nicely.


And oh yes, I am hanging onto this boyfriend. (two years in March) He is always very supportive of any crafts or hobbies that I pick up, and will feed my addiction. (Of course I think he is feeding this one because he wants a Doctor Who scarf.)

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It's just a matter of time, Atom Girl, before the stash completely takes over! Don't fight it - resistance is futile. :lol


BTW, I think you're the first person on here I've seen from Plugerville. There's several Austin-area folks on here (myself included). But I see I may have some friendly competition for the good, undiscovered buys, hehe.

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