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I'm going to use my whole stash up!

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The idea is to choose one of the above figures, I have chosen 50 ( I have way to much stash) and with only 3 excemptions for purchase. :clap


That is great I would do that to if I had the time. I had a new years eve goal of using 100 skiens for the year. I stopped counting but I don't think I was even at fifty yet. So 50 projects would be hard for me to pull off (Although I have enough yarn for twice that :lol )


Good Luck

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YAY!! Just started another project that's ENTIRELY from my stash....


(OK, so it adds to my WIPs, but this one is getting DONE!)


It uses the Coats & Clark "Sunrise/Sunset" pattern (a freebie in the stores and on their site) except I am using all yellow for the suns, then alternating red, orange, green, blue, purple for the backgrounds. I'm calling it "Sunshine and Rainbows"!!! I'll post a pic when I get more done.... 7 skeins GONE!

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Wow! Fran....You actually have a yarn SUPPLIER! How Lucky are YOU!:lol


This is a sample of our conversations:


Dad: Do you need more yarn? I found some today at a yard sale.

Me: Need? Define need? (moment of silence while I think) Hmmm... I don't really need yarn, but will not turn it down.

Dad: Well, your mother went thru it and picked out what she wanted, and then there's some there for your Aunt ..

Me: What kind of yarn did you get?

Dad: I dunno, its all kinds of colours, but your Mother and Aunt took most of it

Me: Ok, let me go look at it


So then I look at it and its an entire garbage bag (or at least several boxes) or really cool stuff - mostly with foreign labels (latest bunch was Norweigan, nubbly stuff - at least 5 skeins of each colour and about 6 different colours ... and a pile of WW stuff)


And then I'll check with my Mom, and she'll say "Your Father bought a bunch of crap today, I'll have to tell not to pick up anything else!!"


Yes, sometimes its horrible being me! lol


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I've made this decision several times and failed miserably. If you can do it, you're a better woman than I. My stash just grew today, after another growth spurt last Friday.


It's alive.

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Last summer I went for a pre-determined THREE WHOLE MONTHS :eek without purchasing a single skein of yarn; a stash-busting whirlwind was what I was. I made a bunch of lapghans and hats for charity. When the 3 months were ALMOST up... I was at Michael's nearly every other day, wandering the yarn aisles and petting skeins and promising them that I would be back to liberate them to a better place.


When I was free to buy again, I went crazy. :D I bought WAY TOO MUCH with no projects in mind. So.. I am never doing THAT again. :no


Now my plan is to make something for a gift or myself, and make one thing for charity before starting the next project. :hook So far.. so good.

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Here's an update on how my stash busting quest is going. I finished a child's sized granny square afghan using white and green. I'm currently working on a scarf that I'm making on a knifty knitter. I still feel pretty strong here, no real big urges to go buy yarn yet. Except when the new Joann's flyer came in the mail the past week. I saw that Caron one pounders were going to be on sale and I did start to weaken for just a moment (or two). And then I realized, "I'm broke." And I went back to being strong. Its kind of funny right now. I just want to make things and then get them out of the house and move on to something else. I know that feeling won't last until my stash is done but I really think I can do this.


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Karin, You've got me in the mindset as well. I can only buy yarn to finish a project that uses MOSTLY stash. Like black or ecrus as a contrast color, y'know?


I'm getting there.....


When I can reorganize my stash and get it to about half of what it is, then I will be happy! I figure a year or two?!?!?

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