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I'm going to use my whole stash up!

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Well, I've finally reached the point where I've decided that my yarn stash must ALL be used up. Its not like I have a huge stash - just 3 underbed containters full. But I can't stand having something and not using it. So I've decided that I'm going to crochet and knit my entire stash. I usually make things for charity anyhow. I'm figuring that it will take me about a year. So far I've crocheted 2 scarves. I'll keep you all posted on my progress.


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Yep... I have a TON... most of the stash though is made up of novelty yarns... lots of fun furs for when I went through my " eveyone must have a fun fur scarf " stage.... and a few small balls of wolls etc that cost me an arm and a leg so I can't bare to do anything but look at it..

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So, sign up for the Square charity challenge CAL and the Nursing Home CAL so you get brownie points all over the place.


I have been thinking of doing the same thing myself after I get some WIPs moved to the FO pile.

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:lol I just went through the stashes I have in various locations today, and decided the same thing.......then spent an hour on Ebay and am now trying to figure out where to put the next 20 + skeins that should be arriving within the week. :oops


It's a good thing Christmas is coming! :laughroll

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:cheer Have you heard the expression "Yeah right"

Wont it be like trying to give up visiting Crochetville?

It will not be possible unless you spend the whole year at home, never looking at TV or reading the junk mail you get every day, never using the computer, never meeting your crochet buddies etc.

It will be the hardest thing in the world to NOT purchase another :yarn ball of yarn for a whole year.

:yarn Just to ease the pressure, why dont you donate some of it to your favourite charity shop so someone else can start their own stash.:yarn

Good luck, I will be thinking of you.

Have fun.


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I'm not exactly on a mission to use up my whole stash...although we had to have our closet empty last week so the supers could do the annual check on the heaters (which are behind another door inside the closet) and I realized I have alot more yarn than I realized...:think..no clue how that happened...


However, once I get a couple of WIP's finished, I'm going to be making a crochet version of a patchwork quilt for my queen sized bed...and I'm planning on making it much wider than the mattress as both DH and I like to tuck the blankets around ourselves and one of us always winds up with barely enough blanket to cover up with...and that someone is usually me since I stay up later LOL...I'm not planning to pick up any yarn to work on this patchwork blanket, so by the time I finish it, I'll probably be left with my Sugar & Creme cotton and that's it LOL!! :eek


Oh well...then I'll just have to convince DH that I won't be happy til I can hook again...and you know what they say...when Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy LOL!!!:hook

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I used up most of my stahs for jimmie lu's challenge but i think if have "refilled " it recently...not with the same stuff but with others.... making squares for all the requests out there does use your stash! but i am having fun with it!

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I've also tried to start using just things in my stash. It can be hard, but we can do it together. I also make a lot of things for charity, and for things such as scarves, hats, etc., any color will do.


I have to use my stash. It's taking over my son's bedroom! :yarn :yarn :yarn


Good luck using up your stash! It's hard though. All the new yarn just calls your name and jumps in the cart!:lol



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i am on the same mission. I went through my yarn this weekend and sorted it by how many skeins of each I have. I can see a lot of hats (maybe cancer caps) and scarves for charity coming!

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this is my goal also. I have three 67 litre bins of yarn and I am determined to find a project for all of my yarn. My strategy is that I make a project with yarn in my stash then buy some yarn to do one of the projects in the new Interweave magazine then use the yarn in my stash for another project. Hopefully in 2 years time, I will not have a stash.


Wishfully thinking but it works for me.

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I've started using my stash yarn first of all, whenever possible, rather than buying new. I have 6 huge bins of yarn and it's a crying shame not to use what I have, for at least half of my projects. I started doing this very recently because I was feeling a bit guilty for having way too much and rarely using any of it.

I just used up 20 skeins of GGH Aspen on a lap blanket for my Mom for Christmas and I am thrilled to see it 'outta here' (the yarn, that is :devil ).

Now, I'm knitting a full sized afghan for my son and his bride to be for their bridal shower using up 12 skeins of Rowanspun Chunky in a natural color. There will be 4 different squares per strip and 3 strips to crochet together when I'm finished. It won't use up the enormous amount of yarn that crocheting does but 12 skeins is 12 skeins, right?

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I'm working on this, too. I had a bunch of yarn from last year's never-done Christmas presents; recently I used all of my leftover Homespun to make my brother-in-law a birthday afghan. Currently, I am using a bunch of Caron SS to make my great grandma a rectangle grannyghan for her birthday celebration in October (she'll be 94 this year).


Next, I'll have some wool-ease to use--maybe for hats or maybe for blankets for the cats and dogs at the humane society.


Slowly but surely, I'm getting it used, and it feels good!!!! (Especially since I know I will have to buy new yarn to replace what I've used.) :)



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Its so comforting to know that others feel the same way I do about their stashes. I just hate having all this yarn and not using it. But oddly enough at the same time I just LOVE to look at other member's photos of their stashes. I just think for me that it would be such a freeing feeling (does that make sense) to use all my stash up. I really think I can do this. I'm currently knitting a guidepost sweater, knifty knitting a scarf, and crocheting granny squares for a child sized afghan.


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I've been trying to use my stash up - although it is a very small stash, nothing I crochet seems to make it smaller! my family made me promise last month not to buy anymore yarn for the rest of this year but as a present for getting really good grades in school so far this year, my sister is buying me over $50 worth of simply soft and other acrylic WW yarn! :hook

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I wanted to use up my stash so I joined Jimmie Lu Ministry square challange after I was done making over 545 I think she said square:cheer I found out I had closets and they are big too.:hook

though I then found out my house is empty I think the yarn was actually keeping my ouse warmer need to start a new stash .:eek

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Early this year I promised myself I would get my stash under major control before I bought new yarn. I was making really good progress too, that was until all the stores had their clearance sales. Couldn't pass up a bunch of $4 or $5 that was now under $2, could I?


I've been working on having a craft show at my house and have gotten a lot of the partial skeins used up on smaller projects. However, I've come to the conclusion that I'd need another 2 or 3 months of work, which I don't have, if I was going to make a noticeable dent in my stash this year. I am desperately trying to use up all my novelty yarn though.


My problem is, I'm always thinking I've got to "save" yarn for just the right project, especially when I'm not buying new stuff for a while. What if I use it up, only to find the perfect project right after I use it up? That's why I have such a hard time using up the stuff I really like.


As much as I'm trying to reduce my stash, I found myself thinking about some expensive yarn I saw a while back and wondering if I asked for Christmas if my family would buy into the "I need yarn" theory and buy me some. So, I guess while I need to reduce my stash, I know in reality it will ever be under control.

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wow, thats a goal...


I just thought a few minutes if I could do the same. The answer is: no, definitly not. Not because I have so much yarn (ok, part of the problem is that I have too much yarn to use it up within one year) but mostly because I have some kind of projects in mind for my stash for which I just haven't found the right pattern yet. So I have to keep it for the right pattern :D

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Ok, when y'all are done using your stash, come over to my house!


Last summer I actually had to raid my mom's stash to get more WW to make scrap-ghans and used full 1lb balls of yarn for scrap-ghans. Well then I mentioned to my dad one day that I could use a little more yarn'cuz I was starting to run out BAMM!! he buys me garbage-bags FULL at yard sales at least 4 or 5 times a year :yay Really its awful :no and then for my birthday I requested yarn ('cuz I was running out) and got another 2 full garbage bags from the factory outlet. Of course, in May when Zeller's had their Buy1, Get1 free sale, I stocked up, and there's still the tubs of specialty yarn, and phentex slipper yarn I haven't gotten around to yet.


If I manage to stop my Dad from buying yarn (I"m not trying too hard) I potentially could us my stash within a year, so really its not that much. The last batch he bought had about 30 balls of something Norweigan, at least 5 balls per colour that I NEED to use because it's just plain cool. And withing the next month I'll be shipping a pile of blankets & school supplies out of my basement, so there will be LOTS of extra room to put yarn. Hmmm ... I think I might need nore yarn ....


Thanks y'all for getting me thinking!! lol



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Wow! I was just on another BB, (Needle and Threads, which is a cross stitch board) and they have just started a challeng there called the 10, 25 or 50 challenge. The idea is to choose one of the above figures, I have chosen 50 ( I have way to much stash) and with only 3 excemptions for purchase. Finish that many projects before buying any more patterns ( or in my case anything. lol)

I can be any projects so I'm including crocheting too since my wool collection is out of control just like my stitching has been for the last 10 years. There are other rules but I just thought it was a great idea.



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