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I have the best husband!

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Look what my husband bought me! And it was all his idea :D Until now I've had my yarn strewn around in different bins/drawers/baskets etc. But now I have it all together! I know that in comparison I don't have an extreme stash, but I love that its now all contained nicely and organized. It fits perfectly behind our bedroom door. And I can now see how much room I have for more :D


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The real question is ....Did he buy two more? Tidying is the worst thing you can do with yarn cause it makes you go and buy more. by next week you will need those two extra cupboards.


Just kidding - what a great hubby.

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Isn't it great having a supportive hubby?! My stash is in a cabinet built by my FIL, along with a lot of misc crafty stuff. Next year I "will" go through it and clean out 'my' parts, so there's room for more yarn! :) Of course, all the cross stitch stays...DH enjoys that when he gets a chance (now, he's a FT student, so it's ALL on hold. :P)

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