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I love crocheted toys, but not this...

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Hope the link works.


When you were little, would you have wanted a crocheted tea set? Not me, I had a china one for kids. I used it so much that my folks had to buy me another one before I outgrew the tea party thing.


I love crocheted items, but I'd rather have plastic (if I couldn't have "kid's china") or metal rather than this.


I'm so out of the loop (no kids). Is this what a kid's tea set normally costs? :think

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Why bother with a tea set that you can't USE!? The number of cups of water I drank as a kid ... don't ask.


I think this is cute but you can find the patterns free on the web to make a set if you want one. You can usually buy a cheap plastic set at a dollar store these days - they aren't porcelain with roses but they hold water.

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well i got a porcelain tea set about 10 years ago and it was like $25-30


its not a traditional tea set though... its like easter themed with bunnys and chicks... and the pieces are shaped


my uncle got it at BJ's for me (pretty much a store where you buy bulk items but you can also get books, clothes, toys...)


i still love it, i put it out as an easter decoration :) (theres a spare table in the living room where i set it up)


so based on that i'd say a normal porcelain tea set is $20-25


i think a crocheted tea set could look a lot better than the ones on that link... but its not something id make or want

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I think it's cute. My daughter has a plastic set and we've never put water or anything in it. She uses her imagination to play with it and we have a great time. She's three. I am sure in a year or two she'll want water in it but for now she is good to go. So a crocheted set would be fine with her. Especially if I made it. She loves me to make her things, crocheted or otherwise.


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My 5 yr old is constantly playing "cooking" with crochet bowls, cups...whatever she can get her hands on...she'll use crochet squares as potholders...her Legos are the ingredients....she'd probably flip with joy if I were to make her a full tea set LOL!!

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I have 4 granddaughters and I wouldn't spend that kind of money for something that they wouldn't actually be able to use. I know all of us neighborhood kids, even the boys used our tea sets for drinks and cookies. Think I'll stick with the good ole plastic ones for granddaughters.

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I have the pattern for "Wake up and smell the yarn" and i think it is really cute. I'd even let little ones play with it.





Of course, when I see something at that price, I always figure I can make my own. how hard could it be :hook ?

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