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Hating my finished product

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I spent a lot of time making a sleeveless sweater a few weeks ago. Not only did it take a lot of time but the yarn was expensive. My problem is that I hate the finished product on me. It's the first time I made myself something to wear and I'm disappointed and not sure what I should do with the sweater. It fits correctly. I just don't like the style on me. Of course, the picture on the pattern cover of the model looked a lot better. LOL Any idea?

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I understand where you're coming from. I have not made any 'fitted' wearables for myself - only shawls, wraps, ponchos, etc...


I finally decided "I can do it" and spent about $100 on some expensive yarn to make a gorgeous (at least on the model) jacket... It has taken a long time, a lot of 'do overs' when I realized I hadn't quite gotten it right and now I'm to the point of making the long sleaves for it. I haven't touched it in about a month because I can tell from the 'trial fits' that it isn't going to be as flattering on me as I would have hoped.


I don't know what to do either... I can continue on, make the sleaves, and hope that it looks better once the border is put on which is what I'll probably do. I can't bring myself to frog all this work when it is 80% done. If it does not look good and I realize I would NEVER wear it I will frog it and re-use the yarn - I paid too much to just toss it into the "took too much time to make it to throw it away but looks too awful on me to wear it pile".


I am currently working with some yarn from a wrap that I frogged today... this one only took about a week to make and was very pretty, but again, didn't quite fit right. The yarn was fairly expensive hand-dyed, purchased on eBay, so I used my ball winder to make it less painful... The yarn is now being paired with some other over-priced yarn that I don't know what to do with and hopefully I will end up with a cape!


Don't know what to tell you except that you've got some nice yarn and it seems a shame to just let it sit... and if you know you're not going to wear the item... unless you have someone you REALLY care for enough that you think would like it and it would look good on, you may just want to take a deep breath and frog it... do check out my other thread though - it's a much better way of frogging!:hug


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I used to make some large shawl like jackets that looked brilliant on other people but not on me, until I discovered that I was trying on the garment still in my leisure wear and no make up or hair done, SOOOO, I made an effort and dressed up as if I was going out , to a coffee morning, then tried on the garment , and do you know what , it suited me also!! hope this helps!!!! June

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maybe not a great suggestion being that it was expensive to make, but perhaps you have a friend that would adore it?

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I'm kinda in the same "funk" myself. I have started so many projects in the last few months, and then just absolutely hated the end result. because of that, it has been quite some time since i actually finished something. I have a bunch of moda dea ticker tape that i bought on sale last year. its nice stuff, and i dont want to "waste" it on something I wont like, so there it sits. I've tried about 10 projects with it so far, and have ended up frogging every one. its such a nice yarn, i just cant seem to find a project that will do it justice. I started the Lissette shawl, got down to the last three or four rows, hated it! well, hated how it looked on me anyway, and frogged. then started a cocoon sweater based on an old doily pattern, hated it, and frogged it, and dang, i had nearly 7 skeins of RH in the dern thing. that was a lot of work! i had some RH Plush in red on hand, and made myself an Easy Peasy poncho, and i'm glad to say, I like how it turned out. but for a while now, i've been trying to decide on a project i want to do, but just can't seem to find the "excitement" that i had. not getting tired of crochet (heaven forbid!), but just can't find a pattern that jumps at me, you know? So, I sure know how you feel. :)

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I know how you feel!I made a poncho for my neice,that did not look good to me.I could not give it to her.I have decided to make a very easy project that will look good.Any ideas?I see many patterns I like,but I am not that adanced of a crocheter.I am going to look for something using homespun yarn.So off to walmart I go!

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I can relate! :cry I have a summer top that I may never finish because it's too small. :blush I payed $70 for the yarn so don't want to throw it out but because of all the work:sigh (knitted) invloved in making it I don't want to frog it either (I want it to fit!!). :irk I'm trying to convince myself that I'll lose weight (yea, right) :loco but eventually I'll probably frog it (after the memories of the amount work I put into it fade a bit).

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I can relate! :cry I have a summer top that I may never finish because it's too small. :blush I payed $70 for the yarn so don't want to throw it out but because of all the work:sigh (knitted) invloved in making it I don't want to frog it either (I want it to fit!!). :irk I'm trying to convince myself that I'll lose weight (yea, right) :loco but eventually I'll probably frog it (after the memories of the amount work I put into it fade a bit).


Ya'll please allow me to hijack the thread for a bit :)

Cat3, I know how you feel!!! 4 times now in the last 18 years, I've gaind and lost the same 45 pounds!! I was a very tight 16, really should have been wearing an 18 but was in denial, and in April i decided it was time to buy the 18 pants, or loose the weight, AGAIN!..lol... I discovered a great weight loss forum www.3fatchicks.com and it has been a tremendous help to me. Once I finally got it in my head that diets dont work, that it takes a LIFE STYLE change, i started loosing the weight again. As of Friday morning, I have now lost 29 pounds and I'm back in a size 14, well on my way back to a size 10. and this time its for good! :) If you decide to "do it" I highly recommend you check out the forum above, it has really encuoraged me, and I met a great gal who has become my diet buddy. Can't say enough good things about 3FC! Ok, back to the subject at hand :)

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When I get in a funk like that I start making dish cloths LOL quick, easy, get me back in the mood .. and even then sometimes I just need a break for a week or so and then I'll see something that inspires me and I can kick start it again. :)

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I understand, although I don't spend a lot on expensive yarns, but the immense amount of inspiration & perspiration that goes into a project, then not liking it, is an aweful feeling. It is why I stress about choosing a larger project & have a hard time committing myself to awearable or a larger project like an afghan.


Many times I love them from the pics but then 1/4 or even 1/2 way into the crochet, I dislike it or think it will not look good on me. :( That is not the time to change my mind lol!:P


I have 2 wearables now that I don't wear. One a bolero that is a little too small even though I added to the pattern to make it more like a short cardigan. Then a very sweet sleeveless sweater. I like it but not on me.


I want to make another wearable but I am scared that I won't like it or wear it once it is finished. So yet again I am stressing over what to make myself lol! At least I have an afghan to work on until I make a decision.

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I am making a cardigan with some scrap yarn right now, all in stripes going long ways. I am not following a pattern, just going by another sweater I have. (this is my first wild attempt at this) Every time I try it on (ive only gotten the back and one front side done) I cringe. Its awful, not only the style, but colours as well. I have a few plans up my sleeve, (no pun intended) So I will see what happens. I start out pumped and as I go I get so discouraged by this or that. Im sure by the end I will be okay with it- its just as artists (and thats really what we are) I think we tend to be the most critical of our own work.

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I'm kinda in the same "funk" myself. I have started so many projects in the last few months, and then just absolutely hated the end result. because of that, it has been quite some time since i actually finished something. I have a bunch of moda dea ticker tape that i bought on sale last year. its nice stuff, and i dont want to "waste" it on something I wont like, so there it sits. I've tried about 10 projects with it so far, and have ended up frogging every one. its such a nice yarn, i just cant seem to find a project that will do it justice. I started the Lissette shawl, got down to the last three or four rows, hated it! well, hated how it looked on me anyway, and frogged. then started a cocoon sweater based on an old doily pattern, hated it, and frogged it, and dang, i had nearly 7 skeins of RH in the dern thing. that was a lot of work! :)


Oh, man can I relate. How many times can you frog the same yarn before it wears out :lol while you try to find "the" project??? Can't remember the last thing I actually finished... I'm afraid the "crocheters against UFO's" are gonna come knocking at my door any day now...:eek

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Oh, man can I relate. How many times can you frog the same yarn before it wears out :lol while you try to find "the" project??? Can't remember the last thing I actually finished... I'm afraid the "crocheters against UFO's" are gonna come knocking at my door any day now...:eek


Not to worry, they are all too busy hiding their stashes and WIP's from curious eyes to be out policing anything. Never met a crocheter yet who did otherwise.:lol:help


It is annoying though when you begin a project in such hope only to have it fizzle. They do seem to die with a whimper rather than a bang don't they?

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I'm afraid to make wearables at this point. I know they won't look on my size 12 self like they do on the size 2 models. Also, I don't have any sewing experience, so I don't know if I can get the pieces together correctly. If I do try a wearable, I'll probably knit a big pullover because it would involve minimal shaping (which I'm not talented enough to do at this point) and because I can at least wear it around the house this winter if it turns out be a tent! :lol

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I spent a lot of time making a sleeveless sweater a few weeks ago. Not only did it take a lot of time but the yarn was expensive. My problem is that I hate the finished product on me. It's the first time I made myself something to wear and I'm disappointed and not sure what I should do with the sweater. It fits correctly. I just don't like the style on me. Of course, the picture on the pattern cover of the model looked a lot better. LOL Any idea?


add a border just crochet another color that would look good with the color of your sweater. crochet around the neck,, arms,, and bottom of sweater. Should make a difference. You could also use a yarn needle and add some flowers,,, another thought to crochet a motif and add it on. another thing wear it under a light jacket of some type.

Something will come along and you will see how beautiful it is. Can you post a picture of the sweater? We all would love to see it.

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