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Public transportation is great for crocheting!

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This week, I had to start taking the bus to get to and from work. It takes me nearly an hour to get there by bus! So today, to make things more productive, I brought along a small scarf project to keep me busy. It was a total godsend! In the two hours I spent on the bus, I got half of the scarf done! That's half more than I would have gotten done at home! Especially because with the longer days(having to get up earlier to make the morning bus, getting home later cuz of the longer bus ride), I'm way too tired to do anything when I get home!


Yay for public transportation!!! :cheer

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I have to agree with you there - public transportation is great for getting transportable projects done. When I lived in Seattle (back in my knitting days) I got tons of stuff finished on the bus.

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I wish I could take public transportation, the morning commute is about to drive me to roadrage, I really hate sharing the road with all these nondriving******s! all 3 million of them that think the Garden State Parkway is their personal playground at 7:30 am. Today I had to take two semi-illegal shortcuts just to make sure I got to school ontime, and I left 20 minutes earlier than yesterday. I sure miss the days when all I had to wait for was a boat to go under the drawbridge.

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I have a 30 minute public bus ride from my apartment to my classes in the morning and a 45 minute one (because of rush hour) back to my apartment afterwards and I love to crochet during both rides. In the morning it helps me wake up and in the evening, it is relaxing just to crochet on the bus. It annoys me when people give me weird looks because we are all college students and they have the preconcieved notion that "crocheting is for grannies" (I hear this at least 3 times a week).

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It looks like we have the start of a cip movement. Thats crochet in public. I love to crochet on the bus it really breaks up the day and is a mini meditation session to get me relaxed before I get to work and get all worked up. Sometimes I do two projects one for the morning and one for the way home. I have met people with my crocheting people sit next to me and start talking and yarn and soon we are sharing projects and swapping tips. I got some great advice when I started knitting.

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I've done some crocheting on the bus on the way to/from work over the past month. I spent around an hour and a half on the bus each way, and I wanted more to do than just read!


I've gotten more than a few curious looks, but I don't mind. :manyheart


Oh, one thing I did realize. It's important to keep your project small if you're on crowded routes. I can work on motifs, but a full-sized afghan is a huge no-no!

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haha I haven't missed my stop yet, but I have gotten pretty engrossed in my projects once I get started on them.


I think it'd be pretty hard to miss my stop though. It's all the way at the end of the route! lol

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I have opted not to drive. Period. Just can't stand it, and here in San Jose, public transportation suits me just fine. My commute is so short now, however, I can't really use the 10 minutes it takes for Light Rail to get me to my office to do too much. But if I have to bus anywhere else, I really find the time to be productive knitting and crocheting wise. However, I have to take breaks from it, or my stomach will start to rebel.

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Well, Thursday I did get some crochet done while sitting in a massive traffic jam. Apparently half of NJ was driving to work because of the rain and the other half heading for the mall at rush hour. End result, I got about 6 triples done, moved the car a few inches, and did a few more triples. My 25 minute commute took 1 hour and 20 minutes. It was so bad the education office emailed all the instructors that so many students called in they were stuck in traffic that they quit taking names!

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