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how strong are your wrist(s)

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i crochet, knit, write, and type a lot but my wrists are rather weak... i learned just how weak when i tried to do colorguard last year ("flag twirler")

i had to quit because it hurt my wrist too much... the pole is metal and about 5 foot tall


i also have trouble opening things, keeping things steady (like a full coffee mug), and just doing things in general


im right handed and i broke my right wrist 9 years ago (i was in 2nd grade at the time) maybe that has something to do with it


when i do too much with my wrist it HURTS a lot for a few days, like i can barely move it


even though im only 16 im wondering if i have a wrist problem... carpal tunnel? maybe even arthritis...?

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could be carpal tunnel, could also be some muscular problem. my wrists get really sore typing and crocheting etc. i bruised my wrist a few weekends ago simply emptying the catcher on the lawn mower (i emptied it perhaps 8 times). i have never had my wrist problems checked as i don't usually do enough to warrant it. i would go see someone about yours though. and try bracing them once they're sore with a splint or sports bandages. it might help them heal quicker if they're used a little less. i know it helps me :) best of luck

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I have a cyst. About 12 years ago I slipped and landed on my hand (darned ice) and my wrist has been bothering me on and off since. In fact, it's the primary reason I continue to crochet - constant exercise. Too much use or strain does make it snap and pop (two advil every few hours for a couple of days usually gets me by). And there is this lovely extra bump on the top of my hand where it meets my wrist. I was told that the only answer is surgery to have it removed. But ultrasound you say...hmm.


Still, if it is giving you any kind of trouble, talk to a doctor. They may reccomend some stretching/strengthing exercises. Oh, and get your calcium!

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I did color guard all through high school. I also broke my wrist very young (six I think) and it idd give me trouble in the beginning. I bought a wrist brace and practices drop spins for literally hours. I would do hundreds at a time. It helped my wrist and I had a perfect drop spin. :-) Maybe that's why crocheting doesn't bother me now.

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i think all beginners with colorguard have comparably weak wrists, heck, after not spinning for months my wrists and arms ached after the first day of band camp. my first year i was the only new girl so i just thought it was me, but my second year the new girls mentioned they had wrist pains too...so basically what i'm getting at...lol...is i think it's one of those things you need to build up slowly.

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i wasent the only beginner but it was so bad my wrist would go out and id drop it, i could barely move my wrist the next day, and i could barely move the flag after the first few minutes

the others didnt have nearly as much trouble


besides even everyday things bother my wrist

i'm suppost to go to the doctor soon but i dont know if she'll do anything about it

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I'd definitely check with your doc to be safe, but there are a lot of gloves/braces that can help to support your wrists....that may be something to check into. Also, check out some exercises for the wrists to help strengthen them. Just my :2c, for what it's worth... :tup

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I was told at seventeen that I had arthritis.....it is not an old person's disease, even babies can get it. I wear wrist supports when doing most jobs. I have light weight ones that look similar to a tensor bandage and a heavier version that has a plastic insert and velcro closures. Most of the time I wear the light ones...biggest problem is that they are hot to wear, especially in the summer. Talk with your doctor. My therapist told me that the light ones are more of a reminder that the wrist is " hurt " I have learnt that when it hurts....STOP whatever you are doing, or the way you are doing it. For instance, I crochet ' fist ' style versus pencil style and there are many things on the market to help, like specialty crochet hooks that are easier to use. Please talk to your doctor; there are exercises that help and many different types of medication available. Good luck, hope it works out for you.

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I would certainly say carpal tunnel. I work at a computer and adding machine all morning (really, I should be working now :blush ), then crochet in the evening to 'unwind'. I only have trouble with my right hand, wrist, and arm, as that is the hand I use on the adding maching, mouse, and to crochet.


Occasionally, I will get the carpal tunnel 'sensation' in my left wrist but that is actually nerve damage I have from my lower neck and left shoulder from a car accident. A quick trip to my chiropractor gets me set back up.

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I had a cyst on my foot and the doctor said i have to have surgery to get it removed, but I didn't, and it went away on it's own. If your wrists hust, you might want to try using those glove things for crocheting and knitting. I think they are a little pricey, but I've heard they work. I'm thinking about giving them a try. I'm only 23 and my wrists hurt when I crochet too much. BUt i also seem to sprain my wrists alot too......

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My wrists are freaky strong! As a court reporter for 16+ years I sometimes hit the keys over 40,000 times in one day (the computer gives me a count as to how many key strokes I put on the steno machine) and the only muscle I can flex is right at the top of my wrist... it's so weird!:think

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Would a tighly corcheted band help a wrist or could you get yourself in trouble ding this? I was thinking that the "potholder Stitch" could make a secure band.

i might give that a try

i'd have to do it slowly though


i have a terry cloth wrist band thats tight but when i wear it i feel like its cutting off my circulation


and im afraid that i wont be able to crochet with it on... i have to have my right wrist exposed when i crochet (ie no sleeves/jewlery) because the end of my hook gets caught on it


maybe a crocheted hand warmer with a tight wrist bit would be better...

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according to the doctor i probably have tendonitis


she just asked where the pain is... but i might have told her wrong because it wasent hurting at the time... and she felt my wrist


she says to just take something like tylonal for it and if it gets worse i might have to wear wrist support sometimes


o and mom just reminded me... guess i blocked it

i possibly have the beginning stages of arthritis

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