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Has anyone had this problem?

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I have been working on a baby blanket and last night I had to add another skein of the main color only to realize the shade was off. On the package it says there is no Dye Lot, but the color number matches and the upc (though I don't think the upc should matter.) I keep my project in a beach bag, but the sides are open mesh. The extra skeins I hold in a plastic walmart bag. Do you think being my project is in my mess bag, that the color faded from being more exposed to air? This is very frustrating and noticable.


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I know it isn't uncommon for the skeins not to match eventhough it states "no dye lot" I think it's a manufacturer's problem and you need to get in touch with the yarn company. I had this experience with Caron's one pounders while making an afghan and they sent me more of the same yarn, but the dye lots were still off.

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This does happen no matter how careful you are in selecting the yarn at the time of purchase. It is extremely frustrating as you well know. Makes you want to have a screaming fit, after all the work you have already put in. I don't think it is your storage either. The only suggestion is like Karen stated, contact the company. It doesn't help you on this project, but maybe they will make an effort to replace the yarn. I am so sorry you have had this happen.

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That has happened to me with Red Heart yarn. It took me 3 trips of buying yarn until I got the right color. It has nothing to do with your storage. If you look at your label, you will notice a date stamp on it. If you can find a skein with the same date stamp, you will find a perfect match.

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I had this happen also with red heart yarn...I bought 3 skeins and the last one was off colour...luckily I was making a tote bag for myself (just to hold yarn and stuff) and didn't care, if it had been for someone else I'd have been quite put out. This was also a no dye lot and same number deal...and the weird thing is that when I put the skein up to the other yarn it looked the same...it was only when it was worked up that you could tell the difference.

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Same thing happened to me but it was my fault. It was red heart baby & some of the skeins were no dye lot & others mixed in were not. I made a beautiful baby sweater in white. Then I made the bonnett. Put them side by side & thats when I noticed it. I checked the labels & 1 was no dye lot & the other had a dye lot. I have this very pretty white sweater & a bonnet in the same stitch but they certainly do not go together.

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Even my 82 year old mother could see the differences in color of some 'no dye lot' yarn at A C Moore recently. The manufacturers don't seem to care if we can get enough to finish a project or not. It's very annoying for large projects or when you might not know how much you'll need except as you go along.

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:cheer Such a pain when that happens.


I used to own a Wool Shop and the most frustrating thing was fading and the worst cause was the lighting in my shop.


It did not happen often and it was generally white or blues which discoloured.


If your yarn is still a single colour when crocheted and not mottled, it will be a different dye lot but if it is mottled, it will probably be from light fading and may have happened in the shop.

This usually only effects the yarn on the outside of the ball, which is only small parts of each layer.


A good way to overcome this problem, is to use 2 balls at once, doing 2 rows with one ball, then 2 rows with the other.

This helps to even out any colour variation.


Of course, this is no help to you now but will be a good thing to think of next time.


Another thing to do when buying yarn which does not have a Dye Lot, is to hold all of the balls very closely together to see if you can see even a very slight difference, before you even buy them.


The other thing to think of is not to use this sort of yarn for a "GOOD" project because of the exact problem you are having.


:think Was it a cheaper yarn?

How about taking it back to the store and asking their advise about how it can be fixed.


Hope this helps.


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I have had this happen with red heart but the difference was not to noticeable. With the baby blanket that I am making now they are the same color but the first skein I used was softer and more fine then the others. Its not bad enough to frog luckily. I will have to contact the company...I never thought of that either. I think its carons.

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