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Great Find Today: Pinkroses

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Hey all.

Today at the Salvationg Army store. I found 32 ounces of off white Pound :clap of Love yarn. For $4.00. They were in plastic bag containers.

They had around 4 maybe 6 of an ugly red color. but, I didn't want the red so I just got the off white.

I love to find good bargins like that don't yall ?:yesPINKROSES

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I am so jealous! I love the off white pound of love! My lys runs out so quick of this color - I always buy them out when I find it! - - - :eek Think I may be the cause of my own problem? :think

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Course I had to hid my great find when I got home :lol

With all my yarn and fabric. Hubby wonders where I am going to put it all and he is right I am running out of house and room.:yes

I have only of late started collecting more yarn.

I knited a interet best friend a Plum afagan and put bullion roses on it I used the cotton yarn Sugar's and Creme in pink. on it. Turned out really pretty. and I uses a size 13 steel needle with the large eye.

I think crocheted a basic shell design in creme from the cotton yarn all around it. She loved it.

I love working with the peaches and cream and the sugar's and cream PINKROSES

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Congrats! :clapThat is so much fun. I found 4 skeins of Albany Jaeger tape yarn in winter white as Sally Ann's (Salvation Army) for .79 cents each!!!

Still haven't figured out what to make with it, but I have it if I need it!!!


I've also found 5 skeins of Paton's Shetland in offwhite & gray at a thrift store for $2.50 for the whole lot.








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pat, thats awesome, my thrift stores here hardly ever have anything and its usually just worsted when they do and get this the last time i looked they were asking more than what it sold for new. it pays to look and look often i guess, now where to put it all. any suggestions besides building a new house with a whole floor dedicated to my yarn supply? i need to destash and will soon have some yarns up for sale i need to photograph them and set up a paypal account so anyone who is interested in it can purchase with ease and without worrying about where the money went.:eek :eek paypal is awesome i am told:blush :blush :blush thanks pat for sharing with us your awesome find.:yes :yes :hug :hug

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