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How Much Time a day do you spend Crocheting?

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Im curious....


How much time do you spend a day crocheting? I always wondering what others crochet "in a day" comparison to me....so, I thought I'd ask...;) This is just an on average basis.:)


Thank you!, P.S. I usually spend about 2 to 3 hours, while watching TV....hee hee


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before joining the 'Ville I hadn't really picked up crochet hook in quite a while. But the last week maybe... 2-3hrs a day. but I wont be able to keep that up long as my wrists get too sore :(

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Usually about2-3 hours. Of course, that'll all change in a couple of weeks when my baby makes his or her grand appearance!


I'm trying to get as much done on the afghan I'm working on before then so I have a shot at getting it done before next summer! :lol



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It depends entirely on the state of my house, my two and four year old and my dog. I crocheted all weekend while we were at my MIL's cabin, I had someone else to help watch the kids for a change! I go in spurts and use pockets of time- like bath time and potty time with my 2 yr. old (both times you'll find me singing and sitting on the edge of the tub or on a stool crocheting away), when DH is watching the history channel and in waiting rooms. I've been known to play soccer with the boys in the yard with a ball of yarn in my pocket and a hook in my hand- since soccer requires no hands! ;)

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3 to 6 hours throughout the weekend and absolutely no time during the week because I'm too busy with my college classes, volunteering and extracurricular activities. During the summer though, I was crocheting almost 7 hours every day!

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It all depends on the project I'm working on and what's going on around me. Lately my fingers have been very stiff so it also depends on how my hands feel. Usually 30 min to 8 hrs. Depends on the day of the week also

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I really don't know. I usually do a bit all throughout the day. I'll crochet a bit, watch tv, crochet, have lunch, crochet, play with my neice, crochet...

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Probably about the same as everyone else 1-3 hours in the evenings while watching TV. On the weekend, I try and do more, but something called housework interfers (but only sometimes!).

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Usually a couple hours in the evening while watching TV. After reading that everyone else does this, I wonder if ALL TV-watching crocheters walk around going, "Oh, I watched that! What happened?" I get into the work and when I start listening again, sometimes the show has changed!


My best time to crochet is riding in the car. One DD lives 2 1/2 hrs. away, the other about 2, most family about 2 - great time to just crochet!

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My time doing crochet varies an awful lot. There are some days that I crochet on and off all day long, and some days I just crochet for an hour or two...maybe three. Most of it depends on the project that I'm working on. I don't crochet very well when I am under pressure.

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There's a lot of variables. On off days such as today, I hope to get a few hours in. (But sometimes I'm tired, DH or DD needs me for something).


Monday through Friday when I'm just at my one 9-5 job, I usually get about 45 minutes in during lunch and breaks. Then maybe an hour or two at night.


On days that I have to work my second job, I don't get home until after 9:30. I'm too tired to crochet then.


Saturdays, when I work an 8 hour shift on my second job, I try to get about a half hour crochet in. It's a hard job on my feet, so I get home and immediately plop down, too tired to crochet.

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I really don't know. I usually do a bit all throughout the day. I'll crochet a bit, watch tv, crochet, have lunch, crochet, play with my neice, crochet...



I'm about the same except i crochet while watching tv lol

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2 or so during the week, sometimes I can fit 1/2 hour in at lunch. I get to do it for an hour and a half tomorrow night during DS's soccer practice! :clap On weekends, 5-6 hours some days depending on what's going on.

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Probably 1-2 hours most days. Somedays I work on my quilting instead, and everyonce in a while I drop crafting completely for a few weeks and get a few things done around the house instead. Like this month I hope to paint the living room and finish cleaning up my gardens.

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totally depends on my mood and whats going on


i'll go a week or so without touching a hook and other days i'll crochet for up to 4 hours


Yep, that's me. Its been years since I went a week or longer, but I will go for 2 or 3 days and not pick up a hook. On the weekends, like yesterday, I may crochet all day long. and you know whats really frustrating?? I crocheted all day, and got nothing accomplished.

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