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Afghan Woes continued/solved?


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I think I've figured out what bugs me most about most afghan patterns. They're only meant for making an afghan 48" wide, and I like them at least 72" wide. To sit down and try to figure out the number of stitches I'd need to increase the width is sometimes daunting. So I guess I'll have to design my own from now on. I wish the patterns would give the "multiple of x plus y" number like stitch patterns do. Not to worry, though, I have Donna Kooler's Encyclopedia of Crochet and can come up with my own now. They won't win any prizes, but at least I'll get them the size that I want!

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I think that may be one of the biggest benefits of making a motif style afghan. You can just make extra squares and add a few rows, and voila! You have a beautiful afghan just the size you want it. :U

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Hi Cindy, what I like about the 63 squares books and some other repeat pattern books is that they give you multiples, so that you can make your afghan as large or small as you want. Also, since they are repeating patterns, once you get the pattern down, you don't usually have to think too much about what you're doing (I have some of the same problems you were describing). For example, of a pattern says multiple of 3+2, you starting chain should be a multiple of 3 (let's say 150) plus 2 additional chains at the end. That way, you can make your pattern a good size, and it doesn't matter what size your yarn or hooks - you just basically eyeball it.


Or, you could go with squares, but my suggestion on that is if you do, find a way to either join as you go, or do a crocheted joining (since I want to die when I have to do slipstitch).

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I have that same book, love it! You should be able to come up with a beautiful afghan from some of the stitch patterns. Hopefully, you share the pic with us!


I'm currently working on an afghan made with 12" squares, the main part will be 60x 72"...but like Ruth said, the good part about squares is you can add more, or not make it quite as large.



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I ended up choosing a modified spike stitch pattern. I took one in the book and tweaked it for the look I want. I still might do the sampler square one--gonna keep the squares I've made so far. Maybe one or the other will get finished sometime!

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I think I've figured out what bugs me most about most afghan patterns. They're only meant for making an afghan 48" wide, and I like them at least 72" wide. To sit down and try to figure out the number of stitches I'd need to increase the width is sometimes daunting. So I guess I'll have to design my own from now on. I wish the patterns would give the "multiple of x plus y" number like stitch patterns do. Not to worry, though, I have Donna Kooler's Encyclopedia of Crochet and can come up with my own now. They won't win any prizes, but at least I'll get them the size that I want!

Hi cgd!


How's about modifying some advice I've often seen Aggie May give for this problem? She suggests making a very long chain, working the first row until the afghan is the size you want it (making sure to finish the row as per the pattern), then cutting off/unpicking any excess chain.


If you have a pattern for a 48in wide afghan and you want it 72in, that's 1½ times the size. So you could make a chain 1½ times as long as the pattern says, plus say 20 more for luck :lol and follow the Aggie May method.


Of course, if you can do the foundation stitch it's even easier. . . no chain to worry about at all :)



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Cgd, I'm totally with you on afghan sizes. Patterns are never wide enough to suit me too. Eons ago when I made my first afghan I couldn't figure out how to widen the pattern. So I cheated and just doubled the chain. For example, if pattern called for 190 chains, I just crocheted 380 chains :eek I love patterns that now have the multiples stated. Sure makes crocheting less frustrating.

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I had this same problem! I am making afghans for xmas presents (the whole reason I learned to crochet!). Since my mom was teaching me, we got a book called 48 hour afghans. Apparently they should only take you 48 hours..... (I think this is a marketing gimmick...) The one we picked from that book I liked.. but I didn't like the size or border. I just doubled the middle and it's a pretty decent sized afghan now. Definately enough for someone to snuggle up in. Would it be possible for you to just double the pattern?

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Hi macgillie


You're very welcome! It is cool, isn't it? :2magic It's not something I use all the time, but a very useful thing to know.



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Thanks for the advice, everyone. I'm not sure I want to double the afghan--the pattern is for 48", and I don't really want it to be 8 ft wide :eek And I'm not sure it would work out for 1 2/3 because the particular pattern I was looking at didn't have the actual pattern until the 3rd or 4th row (it had 3 rows of DC or SC, can't remember). I should have crocheted the beginning pattern row to figure it out, but I lost patience, then discovered the Kooler book. This is how my mind works--it jumps around a lot.


I'm going to read up on the foundation stitch--this is intriguing!

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