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Encouragement Please!!!!

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So I started to make an afghan for my grandpa as a Christmas gift. It's all sc and I am doing a graph of our Family Coat of Arms. Doing sc for a whole blanket drives me crazy. I will do one or two rows and get bord.

I will put it down for a bit and work on the baby blanket I have going. I will try to go back, but it's the same thing. Please give me the encouragement to finish it. My grandpa would be thrilled to have this as a gift. I hate sc's. :(

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I know just how you feel! I made my sister a blanket all in sc (5' X6')!, and it was my first major project, with a million color changes. It took me 6 months to finish it, but it was SOO worth her reaction. She started crying and loves it to bits. I'm sure your grandpa will feel just the same. I always like it when you get to give your hard work to someone you care about, because they appreciate it the most! I hope this helps....good luck and keep plugging away. Set goals (like 10 rows a week), and I'm sure you'll get it done!

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ewww so many single chains... so big... GRANDPA WILL BE OVERWHELMED at the time, effort, thought, love, sincerity that you put into it. He will treasure it!! You can't do more than you're doing. Keep having those breaks with another project so you don't get all crosseyed from looking at the same thing. You know what you need? A nice sunny spot, a cool drink, some good music and to crochet away while enjoying the day and your surroundings :) best of luck with it! I cant wait to see a photo, it's going to be awesome! (what a unique idea too)

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when i have something like that i use the reward system...it will sound crazy but what i do is make myself do a certain amount of the project that is boring me or driving me nuts, say do 2 rows. Then i do something i really like, a few rows of an easier project, a chapter in a book or maybe watch a few minutes of TV or check crochetville! I makes you work on the project have something to look forward to and feel like something has been accomplished!


I works for me

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:cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer

Here's some cheers to help you work along. I'm working on a birthday present for my mother-in-law right now, and I'm having much of the same problem. I like the idea of setting small goals and working towards them. It doesn't make the project seem quite as daunting. I know you can do it! Just keep at it.

:cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer

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OMG, I'm so totally having the same problem. I'm making this tiny littly sc baby blanket for my daughter's physical therapist.


She's been out on maternity leave for three months, so I SHOULD have had it done for her when she got back.


She came back last week, and I'm only half done with it.


I'm tempted to just start throwing other stitches in there so I get it done, lol.


Note to self: NEVER do another large project in sc again, no matter how "easy" it is. Easy=boring.


What I'm doing is doing three stripes (three different colors in this blanket) in the boring blanket, then I get to work on something fun.

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I will cheer you on for that big project of yours! :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer

While you are working on it, in smaller time increments, think of all the love and meaning that is going into this very special afghan....and think of how special this person is, who is receiving it from you. Just think of all the socks that you are going to knock off, when everyone sees how beautiful it turned out and how hard you worked on it. Keep telling yourself that you must, you must, you must keep at it! :hook Turn on some soothing music to help you enjoy those tedious single crochets and make it a challenge worth the completion! I for one, would love to see a picture of that special ghan when it's all done! It will be a labor of love well worth the effort.



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:yay:cheer:yay:cheer You can do it! :cheer:clap:cheer:clap


I feel your boredom! I recently completed a king size ripple in 1/2 double - took 4 months. I second the suggestions to set yourself a goal, 2 rows or whatever, and then a reward. The struggle to come back to it can be overcome! The satisfaction when completed will be awesome!

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Yeah, I'm feeling your pain and also cheering for you. The reward system is a great idea! And also just keep picturing how happy your grampa will be and how nice and warm this blanket will be. It will truly be an heirloom. Think of those quilts you see from 'days gone past' with eight zillion tiny pieces of fabric sewn together to make the quilt top and then ten billion tiny stitches quilting it all together BY HAND!!!!!


Good Luck!!!!:cheer :cheer

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I felt that way too. While I'm doing it I say to myself I'll never do this again but I do. Because you will make your grandpa so happy!! Setting goals are the way to go. I try to make it realistic like 4 rows a day or something & before you know it you will be finished.:cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer You can do it!!!:cheer :cheer

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What I tend to do is figure out how much I need to get done a day in order to have a gift ready to go when it's due....then I do that amount as early in the day as I can (usually when I get the little one down for her nap) then I can do something fun in the evenings...and I've realized when I know I don't HAVE to work on it, it's not as tedious to me...so there are nights when I've already done my section for the day, and I'll spend a couple more hours working on it and get myself ahead of schedule! The other thing I do is I limit how many WIPs I can have at once, and if I've got a big project going, I don't let myself start any new WIPs...so if I finish all my WIP's but the big project isn't finished, I will only work on that one til it's done...then I start three or four new projects when I finish..and what better reward is there, right?!:lol


You can do this, and your grandfather will treasure it!!:cheer:cheer:cheer



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Go out and buy some, but only allow yourself to have any when you work on that project. Do what ever it takes, even if it is something as simple as 10 M&Ms per row. :hook

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Please don't give up in finishing this for your grandfather.

It will truly be a blessing for him.

I made my dad a full size quilt few years back. He got seriously ill with cancer. He would be in remisson a few years only to return somewhere else a few years later.

He was in Germany in World War 2. in a Greman prison camp for 15 months. Nearly froze and straved to death.

My dad really appreciated the love and effort I made in making that quilt for him.

He lived in a four room cabin ( His own choice) and used only oil and coal in which to heat the cabin with.

He and my Mom were seprtated ;but still married. He left her.

Anyways. Please finish it and put something on it. Saying it was made for you and a few loving words to your grandfather.

He will truly cherish it being from you. So, get busy:yes :hugPINKROSES

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So I started to make an afghan for my grandpa as a Christmas gift. It's all sc and I am doing a graph of our Family Coat of Arms. Doing sc for a whole blanket drives me crazy. I will do one or two rows and get bord.

..... I hate sc's. :(


You see, I'm the opposite. I hate dc. I love sc, even though it takes longer. I just feel my dc are too loose.


Work on your afghan while watching your favorite T.V. show or listening to some good music. Rent out a few movies from your favorite video store, or select a pay-per-view movie, and sit and crochet the night away while doing something you like.


On other boards I frequent, there is a line...and excuse me for yelling..



This is so important in this situation. Take plenty of pictures of your work in progress, and post them often. That will give you the encouragement.


That's assuming you have a digital camera. If not...maybe it's time you get one. As a reward for chugg along.


Good luck. You can do it. :cheer

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