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Cats and yarn...

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I have been very lucky with our cats. Siddhartha is a grumpy old man, that could care less as long as I stop when he wants a scratch on the head. Persephone has only come over once to swipe her little powder puff at my yarn. However she loves to lick and chew yarn, so I have to make sure I don't leave anything out, or else it will be an icky mess. (My room mate has lost some floss to Persephone's tongue)

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i had to add to this i have 6 cats 2 of which are Bengals my male Bailey loves to play with the labels on my yarn he is good about the yarn its self but boy he goes into stalking mode when the labels are loose he shreds it like there is no tomorrow. Chance my tiger tabby loves to play yarn hockey with my loose balls i have floating around he swats them all over the house until he reaches the end then goes and finds antoher one to unwind.

Chauncey and Bert my classic tabbies like to chew on the skein while im crocheting so you always run into a wet spot also they try to bite at the hook as its moving around.

Erin my blue tabby and Sierra my female Bengal love to go under the blanket and snuggle as you are trying to crochet so its bad enough with a heavy afghan in your lap here comes to more cats to add an extra 15 pounds or so to your already growing mound of yarn in your lap

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My kitties aren't too bad. Trixie likes to curl up beside me while I crochet and bury her nose in my wip. Smoke, however, gets offended. She'll swat me with her tail while laying in my lap. She insists I pet her.

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