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Artist Trading Cards -- crochet versions?

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I like the idea, but the problem with sendind a self stamped addressed envelope may be a problem. I live in Australia and If I wanted to participate it may not work with postage. What I would suggest and I am more than willing to do this, would be that everyone wanting to participate could PM me with their address and how many cards they are wanting to swap, I could then collate the information and then let everyone know who they are sending to. Let me know if you want to do this and we will start a new thread specifically for this


Great idea! I didn't even think about that. Samio, thanks for volunteering and for coming up with a great system. Let's do it!

Oh, and once we start a new thread, we should think about whatever other guidelines we want to have... oh, I'm so excited!



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This is a great idea. I would love to do this. I was thinking that this could be set up like the ROAK, where you enter your info and then other's just send items to you. Probably would be easier then trying to send a bunch into one person and then that person sending them back. Plus this way it could be an ongoing type of swap thing. I just love the ideas I've read and seen. Plus this would be a nice suprise in the mail, instead of the bills that I normally get!

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