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Don't You Just Hate It When...

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You have some time, so you surf the internet and look at all the available free patterns. You really, REALLY like something so you put it in your favorites, or at least you THOUGHT you did.


Now you want to look at that pattern again, because you have decided you really want to MAKE that pattern. You look thru all of your favorites and you can't find the blasted thing.


So you think you remember the name. You think you remember the kind of yarn that was used. You think you remember it was on a certain site. But you look and you look and you look, but you cannot find it, no matter WHAT you do! You search, you Google, you do everything you can, but you cannot find it.


Well, that is what has happened. I cannot find this cute little sweater. It was made with MicroSpun...I thought it was on the LionBrand website. I thought it was a childs sweater. It was multi colored. It was adorable, but I kinda passed it by because it was made with MicroSpun, but I thought to myself, I could probably make it with something else...


Ugh, has this happened to you? Please tell me that it has, that I am not just OLD!

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Oh, yes, that has happened and more to me... :blush Or walk into a room to get something and stand there stupid, 'What did I come in here for?' I have to walk back into the other room and start doing something else then it usually comes to me. (Hopefully I don't forget the second time...) :rolleyes


Wish I could help you remember what sweater it was... :think Hope it comes to you or you find it.



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Thanks Tina, I hope so too!


Your little thing about walking into the room reminds me of the skit that Bill Cosby did about that...he said all you have to do is hit your behind because he says once you sit down, you will remember what it was you went into the room for! :lol

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Yeah. Actually 2 years ago I found a pattern for a ripple baby sweater on the net. I bookmarked it and printed it. (I have an almost finished baby sweater. Not sure I want to edge it)

Then about a year ago I made a ripple blanket for a cousin who was having a baby, and I wanted to make a matching ripple sweater. I couldn't find the print out so I checked my fav place list for it. The link was there but the site was not. I was sad.

Two weeks ago I was looking for a pattern for someone and found the print out of it plus another thing I thought I lost stuck in a pattern booklet, probably for safe keeping so I wouldn't lose it.

Now i'm happy.


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I hate it when that happens to me too, and what makes it worse is when my mom will phone me & say "remember that blanket/sweater/whatever you make 10 years ago?? do you still have the pattern for that?" so not only do I have to figure out what item she is talking about (yes, that's fun too) I have to track down the pattern to loan it to her.


Although, since I've joined Crochetville (as you've just discovered) I can just start a new thread describing the item, or sometimes even what the wallpaper on the website looked like, and somebody here will have it bookmarked :cheer Isn't it great!!



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Happens to me all the time. We moved over 1 yr ago & I am still looking for a box that has some annie patterns & at least 3 crochet books. I thought at first my dh tried to get rid of them for me but then I found some but not all my books. I"think" I know where they are but I'm sick of looking. I did find the pattern for a hooded baby sweater that I want to make for my new grandson. Its a 12 mo size so I still have time as he was just born 2 weeks ago. I really hate it when I'm looking for a certain thing that I know I have-just can't find it when I want it. I usually find it when I don't want it anymore!!!

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I used to be a Sims player (The Sims from EA games) I learned then that if I wanted something - I had better grab it when I saw it cause it could be gone tomorrow.


I may end up with the world's largest collection of CD's but I get patterns I want when I see them for fear they will be gone. If there is any part of it that I may want to use - it is snagged. right away.


I remember a while back that "Yarnover" went down for a while. I was so ticked because I counted on her site for links arrgghh.


So, yeah. I hate it when I lose a pattern I could have had. I do have Pattern Acquisition Syndrome. (please don't look for a cure)

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I had seen this one free pattern that was so cute. I decided to make it as a gift so I went looking for it again. I found it right away, amazingly enough. The only problem wa that the took it off their free site to sell it. sigh

After that I learned that if I really like it to save the page. I dont have a printer on this computer so I can't print it. I might have to get a print server for me network.

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Oh I amfamous for that!OR, my computor crashes and I loose all my bookmarks,now I print out the patterns right away,live and learn..hehehe, do I ever learn?:eek

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