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14,000 Squares! WHAT?!?!

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Ok, so I was reading Jimbo's post about what the biggest crochet hook might be...I went to guiness book online and found that a woman holds the guiness world record for crocheting 14,000 squares :eek. WOW!


Check it out...




Anyone come close to this, hahahaha?!?!

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Their site calls Crochet "basically a variation of knitting". WRONG.


Who is gonna write to them and request a correction?


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I don't know which I find more bizarre -- that someone WOULD crochet 14,000 squares :blink or that the Guinness folks think crochet is "a variation of knitting.":?



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Wow that is a lot. That is annoying; they can't get crocheting right. Maybe their other facts aren't right either? :think Maybe someone should write them and say that? :P


Anyway I wonder if she knows about Crochetville? She could do a lot of charity crocheting with all those squares! :lol



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Wow ! I can't imgaine that . A lot of work went into all that.:yes That would make a one heck of a afgan. :lol

Wonder how much all that yarn cost?:thinkPINKROSES

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I actually wonder how many people would be close to her record. I make a thirty five square afghan every week to sell at market, sometimes more, but never less....x fifty weeks a year, and I've been at it for over thirty years.....oh my God I beat her record, though I've not documented the squares, and when I think of the afghans for charity or for gifts or for personal use I'm going to celebrate with cake.....ooey, gooey mocha cake lol

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craftconnie1 - I just added that up on my calculator. :eek:eek:eek:eek:eek:eek


You are my goddess.


Oh and....hmmm...would you be willing to share that recipe for the ooey gooey mocha cake? :D

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well, first of all, y'all know that Susie Perkins is most likely a member of Crochetville already & just hasn't spoken up yet (can we search the member list for "real names"?? moderators??)


and secondly, did y'all see the category it was listed under?




hmmm, makes us crocheters sound super-special (which we are) and like heroes (which we are too, everyone who makes stuff for charity) :cheer

And thirdly, I agree that there are many people who likley have made that many squares, yet another good reason to keep a crochet jounral!



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I wander if she has crocheted that many without joining them? Cause it looks like in her picture that they are stacked up behind her. So, maybe that's the record WITHOUT joining! I also found on a site "The Fastest Crocheter" from the Guiness Book, here is her site...




I need to get the book so I can see what all the records are for crochet! I'm so interested to see if any of you from the Ville should be in there!



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It's some record. I wonder how many afghans can be made from that many? And if they are stored on shelves, how many shelves, baskets, etc. does it take to store them?


This seems like a crazy record to break. Any takers?



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Ok just think about this...check out Jimmie Lu's Ministry challenge and see how many our crocheters have done in just one month...some have over 200 by themselves...some over 300 in one month. I want to know howmany Jimmie Lu receives from this. i know they are only 6 ' squares but these ladies did an amazing feat.

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If you do the math, that 14,000 is only 11 squares a week.

14,000/25 = 560 per year 560/52 = 10.77


The real challenge is to get 52 weeks in which you can crochet every year. That Real life thing really can interfere with crochet time dontcha find?:yes


It is amazing that she did that and that she kept them. :eek (why? - was she always planning for the record) Once again, planning ahead is the winning plan.

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that is a lot of squares. I just wonder how much space that all takes if she still has them all unjoined. I do know that I would rather just make the squares than joining them. I can never get things joined right.

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It is still a lot of squares ......anyway you look at it! But as for the "like a variation of knitting" thing how about we make a Crochetville petition? How many members do we have at last count? And we request that they change what they are writing about Crochet and then sign it with all our names! Then we might even get the world record for the largest on line petition or something while we are at it!:lol

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