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I lost all my hard drive info waahhhhh

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I feel your pain. I lost 2 years worth of new data recently. I had nightly backups, but I was too cocky to actually look at the backups being made and verify that all the directories were being backed up.


I've recovered data from a non-physical breakdown before, but this time it was a physical crash. :( There are utilities out there that can recover quite a bit of your data if you just lost your FAT table or something like that, so long as you don't reformat or anything.

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:hug I'm so sorry. That happened to me about a year ago. We lost literally hundreds of pictures. It seemed like my children's early years had been erased. We had a good bit backed up, but it was still quite tramatic for me. :sigh Another :hug coming your way.
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I had my laptop computer go kaputz on me about a year ago an as a court reporter this was extremely traumatic... I had an 1800-page transcript nearly done (no, I hadn't been backing up as I went along - I back up when it's all done *STUPID*).... I went to CompUSA and told the techs there, "You gotta do something. Perform emergency surgery, whatever it takes." It cost about $250 but they were able to get surigcally remove the hard drive and put all the info onto another hard drive, install it in my computer, and I was able to keep my job :yes .


Maybe there's hope...

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I had my laptop computer go kaputz on me about a year ago an as a court reporter this was extremely traumatic... I had an 1800-page transcript nearly done (no, I hadn't been backing up as I went along - I back up when it's all done *STUPID*).... I went to CompUSA and told the techs there, "You gotta do something. Perform emergency surgery, whatever it takes." It cost about $250 but they were able to get surigcally remove the hard drive and put all the info onto another hard drive, install it in my computer, and I was able to keep my job :yes .


Maybe there's hope...



wow!!! we got a new hard drive and none of it was that important.....i did lose some pictures.

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Hugs!! I feel your pain. We had the same thing happen about 2 months ago. My computer crashed, and all was lost- not only favorite patterns, but pictures that I hadn't yet copied to disc. As in, 6 months of them. I learned my lesson....we finally got a new hard drive last week, and I've been saving stuff ever since.

(Do you, by any chance, have a Dell? This is the second Dell we've had, and the second one that's died. :blush )

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