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Crochet Room?

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Just wandering how many out there have their own "place" for crochet or crafts in general? I am going to add a spot in our spare bedroom for my crochet stuff and thought maybe some of you might have some tips for me! My yarn has taken over our master bedroom, lol, I have got to get control of it! :laughroll

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I have my own personal end-of-the-couch, with my own personal end-table and lamp which is next to my own personal storage shelf unit wich contains all of my immediate crochet "needs" (books, patterns, hooks, bead-box, sewing-box, etc.). Since I am sooooo limited on space here, I store all of my yarn and thread in a couple of those REALLY big heavy-duty plastic storage tubs which are UNFORTUNATELY stacked in our shed and covered with a tarp (for extra protection). I have 5 kids and only 3 bedrooms. We have been looking for a larger home but don't anticipate a move until after this winter is over. Someday I will have my own private little corner of this world :dreaming

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I could say I have my own room but is not for just crafts..It have to share with my bird cages and fish tanks ,computer each hobby has it's own wall space..:D DH does not like when the room spills on too other rooms ..:lol I just go to the living room on my couch and do the crochet project at hand ..

Tanks these are my large ones..



Cages of all my birdies.


Computer it kinda shares the wall with big tanks.


Craftwall a mess in this picture I have been getting it back together this morning .


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I have my own room. It is the (family room) (100 sq. ft.) it is where the previous's owner's dog went potty. It is concrete with carpet pad glued to the concrete and then awful carpet laid on top of it. It stinks and I have tried everything except removing the carpet because I can't get the padding unglued from the concrete. So no one else wants the room.



Anyway, I have a couch, big storage chest, a cupboard and the sliding glass door. So if it wasn't for the smell I would have a great area. Natural light, halogen lamp, comfy couch and all my yarn, hooks and doodads I need to crochet... minus the TV. I like crocheting in front of the TV, but the radio is good too.


Right now "my Room" looks awful. But one of these days I am going to take a picture of it and show everyone what it looks like. Its not my dream room but it is "my crochet room". :hook

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We converted the formal dining room into my sewing/craft space, which puts me in a better poition than my husband whose office is in our bedroom.

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I have mostly my own room to store sewing/crochet/knitting/general craft supplies in. This wasn't as a nicety to me per se, it was because we wanted anything that could harm the cats (yarn/thread/needles) all confined to one (now-crowded) room. I usually do my actual crocheting in the living room on the couch.

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I wish to have my own room! I have my own "side of the bedroom," though. :devil Yarn is everywhere- my huge yarn tote is on that side, as well as several under-bed plastic containers of yarn, JoAnn and Michael's bags, etc...

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I live in a condo and am fortunate to have a large bedroom with two closets. One is for my clothes and the other is for my crafts. I have three very large containers (26x16x18) overflowing with yarn. My hooks, needles, etc are also in there because of the cats, as lady of roses. I also have a large bookcase in my room for my crochet books (I collect them), magazines and patterns. I have my WIP in a double-handled basket (smaller than a laundry basket) so I can take it from bedroom to living room to balcony (when the weather is nice). :yes

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i have my own room, all my kids except 1 have left home so i got one of the extra bedrooms. my husband made me some bun shelves for all my yarn and craft supplies. its about 10 by 12 feet. i have my own tv with satellite hooked upto it. i have our old kitchen table with a nice high back office chair i bought from wally world.i have several storage units on wheels that each have 4 drawers, and 2 stackable bins 4 high each full of yarn and crochet cotton. i have a walk in closet with a 5 drawer dresser in it full of stuff. i have a round 3 legged table with all my smelly candles and poupurie pot on it.in the office i put my sewing machine(didn't have room in craft room). the office is where the computer is.in the other empty bedroom i had to put my cutting table that i bought at joanns crafts for half price.i also had to put some of my crafting stuff i that room too. my son (18 yrs old) has the big bedroom, when he moves out (soon i hope) i get that room and it is twice as big as the room i have now. just so you know , it took me 25 years to get my own craft room. jackie

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I took over the middle bedroom and front bedroom for storage of my dolls and such. Each closet has bins on the shelves with yarn and I also have roller 3 drawer bins in the bottom for my yarn and thread. Good thing there are only two of us in this house. I also have my corner of the couch with an end table and a hassek that opens. This is full of thread and this is where I crochet. I keep spreading out.:lol


Quote {I have my own room. It is the (family room) (100 sq. ft.) it is where the previous's owner's dog went potty. It is concrete with carpet pad glued to the concrete and then awful carpet laid on top of it. It stinks and I have tried everything except removing the carpet because I can't get the padding unglued from the concrete. So no one else wants the room.}


MamaHooks for this problem, sounds stupid, but got from Vet. Try Messengil Dousche.(spelling Stinks). Near the end, my dog had trouble holding and messed the floor, so the vet told me to us the viniger and water one. It worked for us. Doesn't hurt to try, or just mix some viniger and water.:hook

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I too have my own end of the couch with my own end table... and 3 large plastic totes full of yarn up in the bedroom. We plan to move eventually and then I'll get my own room :D



MamaHooks: I'll second on the vinegar and water. (Small dog owner here, with bladders the size of peas)

And also HELLO! I'm close by to you in Beaverton.

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i have my own room, all my kids except 1 have left home so i got one of the extra bedrooms. my husband made me some bun shelves for all my yarn and craft supplies. its about 10 by 12 feet. i have my own tv with satellite hooked upto it. i have our old kitchen table with a nice high back office chair i bought from wally world.i have several storage units on wheels that each have 4 drawers, and 2 stackable bins 4 high each full of yarn and crochet cotton. i have a walk in closet with a 5 drawer dresser in it full of stuff. i have a round 3 legged table with all my smelly candles and poupurie pot on it.in the office i put my sewing machine(didn't have room in craft room). the office is where the computer is.in the other empty bedroom i had to put my cutting table that i bought at joanns crafts for half price.i also had to put some of my crafting stuff i that room too. my son (18 yrs old) has the big bedroom, when he moves out (soon i hope) i get that room and it is twice as big as the room i have now. just so you know , it took me 25 years to get my own craft room. jackie

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I'll have my own... eventually. Our spare bedroom is a total mess from boxes when we moved in (three months ago. geesh... we need to get moving). It's going to be my office/craft room. We need to get it going soon... I'm doing my work in the living room, and most of my craft stuff has taken over the bedroom.

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I just posted about finally getting a room for just me and my crochet! It was a lot of hard work, but it was worth it. I'm not the kind of person who can store my yarn in bins or anything. I have to have it open in my sight. Otherwise I forget what I have and usually won't bother going through it. I bought those cheap plastic shelves that you stack and store my yarn on them. It works for me!

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Thank you for the suggestion Tampa Doll. I have tried various things in the past (about 6 months ago) to remove the smell... and all of it combined did remove about half of it. Now you can sit in the room and not feel faint... it still skinks but you won't get sick.


Anyway, I am going to clean that room up again and try the Vinegar/water and vinegar/baking powder combos and hopefully between the two I will have a room I can stand to crochet in for more than 20 minutes.

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The current project(s) are housed on the bookcase near the sofa in the living room where I have my natural light lamp and the tv remote as well as a comfy place for the cat to join me. This is were I do most of my work.


This summer I did set up one of the extra bedrooms (my sons grew up and moved away!) as my "fiber studio". While it has a comfy chair by the window and is a good place to crochet and listen to a book on tape, I don't have a good lamp yet, nor a table for water, etc. Mostly it is used for storage: yarn, magazines and pattern books, the sewing machine, buttons and beads, and all the other stuff one needs for this delightful hobby. The most important feature is a door...I close it and no one sees the unfinished projects, the yarn spread on the floor waiting for inspiration, and whatever else I care to do in my space.


I felt bad at first when I dedicated the room to my hobby. Then I thought of the large workshop my husband has in the basement. Now it doesn't bother me a bit!

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I will have a sewing room in our new house.

Only problem is ; it is not going to be as big as I would like it.

It has to be a sewing , crocheting and quilting and knitting room.

I have the master bedroom and bath by myself. So I can knit and crochet in there . I will have a big walk-in closet and another big regular closet across from the walk-in-closet. I think I might put some of my extras in there in a plastic bin. Seems like there is never enough room for our needlework PINKROSES

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actually, hubby has his little corner of the house.....I have the rest of the house and we live in a five bedroom house. When each of the kids moved out I changed their room into something I wanted....sewing room, yarn room,teddy bear room,Christmas room, hubby got a fish room ( rec room ) and we turned the dining room into a train station. The kids in our family love it here, the adults think we're crazy, but we sure having fun!!!!!!

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I have my own craft room that i just happen to sleep in from time to time... Trust me its no longer my bedroom. The crafts own it:tired. I am fortunate enough to have crafts that dont mind me sleeping in their room... as long as I dont snore.:think


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I will be getting my own craft room any day now!!! We finished the basement in our house for my son and I will get his room for my craftroom!!! In fact he is going to start moving his stuff down there today. I would love to get the basement instead, it came out incredible!! My contractor is amazing and it doesnt even feel like you are in a basement. The big windows really make a huge difference. So when my craftroom is done I will post pics, but it is going to take a while, I am repainting and have to put up cabinets and stuff.

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I have an extra guest/computer room in the house that I could make a craft room but since I spend most of my time in my bedroom I decided to make that my craft room/space. On my side of the bed there are plastic drawers filled with all my supplies and yarn and there is a place on the top for my laptop and also related books. For now I am happy with it but am also looking into prettier storage options like a craft cabinet or something similar.

Someday (many years down the road) I will make the extra room my crochet/knitting room and no one is going to stop me!! Mwhaaaaa!!! (evil laugh there :lol: )

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