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What do you do with the little bit of cotton yarn left over from making dishcloths? I have all these little balls of cotton yarn, I know I could make a "scrap" cloth but there must be something else? Any ideas?:think

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I made coasters out of them and also made small washcloths to put in a box for Operation Christmas Child. I also made soda pop cozies out of them. The coasters I made were just simple granny squares and circles. You could also make hair scrunchies and pencil toppers for kids out of them. There are many ideas. Take a glance around CPC....:hug

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Christina had some great ideas for this! I've also used leftovers to make one side of a scrubby, using either Needloft yarn or recycled mesh fruit bags to make the scrubby side.

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I make little motifs (flowers etc) which I can attach to other projects, fridgies, brooches etc or even handmade cards. Motifs for doiley's etc are nice also as all those little snippets in different colours can make a very bright doiley once completed

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Depends on how much yarn you have left, you could use it as stuffing for some small bean bags. Or use it for multi colored bags.

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