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Pattern Question...

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So often I read that someone has written a pattern "incorrectly" or that while doing a pattern that "that stitch isn't right". I'm confused, if someone made a pattern and shares it with everyone else then why would anyone think it is wrong or incorrect? THEY made the pattern and your just following it. I've even read this about some crochet books! That a pattern in the book is incorrect, with the exception of a misprint, why would someone think someone elses creation is incorrect?


Does this makes sense? I can't seem to write what I'm thinking :lol! I'm in no way complaining, this has never happened to me but I am just curious.



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Well, for instance if there's a good closeup picture of the pattern, and you follow it exactly, and your item doesn't match the picture... and anyone else following the directions doesn't get it to match either... there probably is a problem with the pattern you're following.


I've only seen one pattern so far in a published book that I've done that has had glaring problems.

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Sometimes as things get written, it's written wrong like if you meant to put a 6 but you put a 9. Or maybe they get confused and they are supposed to be writting out row 4 but right out row 3 again. Sometimes you can just tell when working a pattern that it's not right. Something is missing or added or maybe a bit off/wrong.

Printers don't know that stuff is a mistake. They print what they get and yes sometimes they do make the mistake on their end.

I just did a summer top for my daughter. The straps called for 43 rows. That's far to long no matter how I did it. So I took out the one I did and left it at about 23. Since both straps called for the same number, it's hard to say if it was the person who wrote the pattern or the printer who was at fault.

That's why it's important to have testers. They catch things before you have it published. Usually.


I hope that explains some. I'm sure others can explain better.

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One way you know a pattern isn't right is when they give you a stitch count at the end of a round/row. But then you go back and count the number of stitches in that row's instructions and come out short (or long). Definitely a misprint somewhere, somehow.


Another is when you're doing something that has sides, but the number of stitches in side A is "23" and side B comes out "24". :think Now that's a good tip-off.


I have only found misprints in free patterns online, never in books (so far). Most of these patterns will tell you it hasn't been tested and to report any mistakes. I usually don't only because I forget by the time I get back online....

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