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Holiday gift ideas for boys/men - Please share!

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I'm trying to make all my Christmas gifts this year. Anyone care to share what they are making for the boys/men in their life this year? I could really use some help. I have a sister with 3 boys (ages 12, 9 and 6), her dh, my dad, my FIL and StepFIL plus my dh and ds to make things for and I don't have a clue! I have a list of ideas I've been compiling but I'm not sure if they will work for me.


However, check out Annie's Attic Free Pattern of the Day today. It's a Little Cowboy vest and I'm more than willing to purchase a small cowboy hat. My son loves cowboy hats and the vest will make him look just like Woody (from Toy Story). He is also influenced by The Backyardagains and their Riding the Range song, whatever episode that one is.


If you are even remotely interested in the the Little Cowboy vest you'd better save it to your computer today because it will not be there tomorrow. As a reference, this pattern was printed in the 1996 Crochet Digest Magazine, Vol 16, Page 12, 13.

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i want to make something for my boyfriend this christmas and i haven't the sightest clue as what to make for him...he's not really the artsy crafty type, so i was just thinking about making him an afghan but his mom makes afghans so i dunno... he's too picky about clothes so i won't even go there... *sighs* males are so hard to buy/make for...i'd like to see your list of ideas though, maybe one of they could work for me.


Lee Ann

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You can't go wrong with beanies and if winter is anything like it's been this summer everyone is going to need one. I have used http://hometown.aol.com/JSchlossma/ezdcc.html it is a double crochet hat and my brother loves it. Several of his freinds have aksed me to make them one.

I have made others for him but can't find the patterns sorry. One tip hats today should not be long enough to fold up, so make sure you stop when it has reached the eyebrow. This can be frustrating when you don't have a head to try it on so I had my brother measure his head from the very top of the head down to his eyebrow this gave me the right length.


As for the younger ones maybe some Amigurumi monsters I am sure you could find patterns at www.crochetpatterncentral.com or www.craftster.org


Wrist cuffs would also work as would some manly fingerless gloves.

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If you are even remotely interested in the the Little Cowboy vest you'd better save it to your computer today because it will not be there tomorrow.

Actually you can get it on freepatterns.com


I might make my husband an afghan. Other than that, most likely nothing else for the guys in my life.

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My 10 year old said that he would want a pillow. So I was thinking that it would be neat to make the outside part but fill it with one of those neoprene soft squishy ones for fun!


My 5 year old said a "quilt" meaning a blanket. Any my daughter said a quillow.

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My husband likes socks (in "manly" tones without any facny patterns), Scarfs, hats, sweaters. Basicly anything, assuming the stlying, colors, and stitches are simliar to what he already has.


The real trick is the colors and the stitch patterns. So many of the stitiches are "girly" that I have to be careful when picking something. Usually, the planer the better. Several times, I've made up a swatch, and looked at it, and said, "no, he wouldn't wear this". Also, color is another big issue. Make sure you pick a color that they like and will wear.. Regardless of how nice a new color might look on them, I've noticed this for all of the men I make stuff for (dad, husband, brothers....) that it has to be simliar to something they already own. If it's to differnt, they won't like it.

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remote control holder; soap saver bag on a long string.....like soap on a rope; shoe bag, manly color of course for gym shoes if he works out; something for a car if he has one....steering wheel cover , or a bag to hold maps etc for instance. Ambitious? seat covers. my hubby is getting binoculars so I'm making him a protective bag.....he does bird watching so I'm adding a pocket for his favorite guide. computer cover or key board cover add his initials. mug holders/// boys: pajama bag, shoe bag, pencil case add pencil crayons and paper perhaps in an " attache " case, reinforced with plastic canvas. "loopy " laundry bag, small bedside rug, dresser scarf in chamoflauge colored yarn, creepy animals or monsters snakes comes to mind. book cover with their initials. ski bands or hats scarves and mitts. chamoflauge vest to go over winter jacket, or under if the kid would wear it. socks in crazy colors/ slippers again in crazy color or chamoflauge.

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I'm planning on making my sweetie a hat out of Camo yarn. He loves anything camo. I was thinking of a scarf also, but I don't think I've ever seen him in a scarf. Not sure if it's because he doesn't like them or just doesn't have one. If we are just going someplace by car, and won't be outdoors much, he'll go without a coat in the middle of February (in New England!!)



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Im making my bf the Jolly Roger sweater from the Happy Hooker book, and im thinking of making a chunky scarf and hat for my uncle for when he goes on his country walks. I was gonna make a guitar strap for another male friend, and maybe socks for some people too

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My son likes the hat "Lunatic" from the Crochetme site


My hubby likes this backscrubber , I usually add a ring or two to make it long enough.


and altho he doesn't wear hats often, he does like the doubled hat mentioned earlier in this thread.


Martha has a whole page of links concerning crochet for men.




For the younger boys on your list, you might consider fingerless mitts (or armwarmers).. Espescially if you do them in Camo.. or some other masculine color. I made some for a friends little boys last year and they loved them. They were their "power gauntlets" hehe


One other idea.. there's a email group on yahoo called "Men Who Crochet".. (but there's no physical required to join the group >grin<) I bet if you asked there, you might get some ideas.


Good LUCK!!!

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I have asked my 12 yr old neice what is cool for boys between her age and her brother's age (he's 14)..she said hackey-sacks are back in for young teens and pre teen boys....pretty much any pattern for a small ball will work, just fill it with the pellets instead of stuffing...you can also use rice of beans to fill them, but if the hackey sack gets wet the filling will rot....



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:hook I love that back scrubber, might try to make one of those. Since the men in my family aren't really much into clothes like sweaters I'm thinking more along the line of afghans or pillows that are graphed. I know my dh likes the Red Wings hockey team, my one son likes woves, etc so I'm thinking of doing that.

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Oh a hackey sack! I never thought of that! That's a great one! I have two boys and I have been looking for something to make that's boyish but my husband keeps saying "don't make anything girlie, their boys!", LOL! A hackey sack is a swell idea! For my 2 yr old anyway, I think my 5 month old would probably use it as a teether right now :lol!

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My husband had me make him a neck gator a few years ago in camo. Its basically just a short tube that keeps his neck warm while hunting. He can pull it up over his chin if he needs to. I also did a gun cover to protect his deer rifle. And I did a cushion for his deer stand.

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I have asked my 12 yr old neice what is cool for boys between her age and her brother's age (he's 14)..she said hackey-sacks are back in for young teens and pre teen boys....pretty much any pattern for a small ball will work, just fill it with the pellets instead of stuffing...you can also use rice of beans to fill them, but if the hackey sack gets wet the filling will rot....




I don't know much about hackey sacks traditional stuffing....weight, size, etc., but was thinking when i read the part about "if it gets wet the filling will rot".


What about using bb's? or if the metal is too heavy, what about the plastic bb pellets (think they are called that, been a long while since I had an air gun). Just an idea. :)



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My 4.5 yr. old nephew collects YuGiYo (or however you spell that) trading cards, and I made him a crocheted trading card pouch. There is a free pattern on crochet pattern central. It has a face sewed on it, but I didn't do that. He loves it, and then got too many cards, so I had to make him another one. So, if any of your little boys collects trading cards or baseball cards or anything like that, then I would recommend the trading card pouch.



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trading card pouch...I'm adding to my list I put some old beads in a hackie sack...paint had peeled off and I couldn't just throw them out so now they have a home. I have been saving the nibs from plastic canvas ( nothing gets thrown out around here ) I'm going to put them into a cloth yo-yo and put that into another ball . I think bb's would hurt when you ' bounced ' the hackie sack. Ive never played but my brothers always did. I guess when I was a kid it was considered a boys' game. Anyone have the rules or how to play?

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trading card pouch...I'm adding to my list I put some old beads in a hackie sack...paint had peeled off and I couldn't just throw them out so now they have a home. I have been saving the nibs from plastic canvas ( nothing gets thrown out around here ) I'm going to put them into a cloth yo-yo and put that into another ball . I think bb's would hurt when you ' bounced ' the hackie sack. Ive never played but my brothers always did. I guess when I was a kid it was considered a boys' game. Anyone have the rules or how to play?


yea, thats why i was also suggesting the little plastic "bb's" that I think are called pellets...they are very small, like bb's and have a flat head w/ a bit of a tail flare. or a cone w/ a head on it may work as a description. Since plastic, very light-weight. Then again, I am the girl who does chain maille and have seen juggling cubes made out of the maille, lol.




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