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I fianlly came up with an idea for dh's Christmas pressie....

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It sort of hit me around 2:30 this morning when I woke up to go to the bathroom LOL...


anyhow... here is what I am toying with for a theme and thought you who are smarter then I am might have a few more ideas....


12 days of Christmas...


Day 1.. crochet a small bird and attach it to some homemade pear butter ( which dh loves)


Day 2 2 turtle doves... crochet one of Kristen's turles and attach Dove chocolates


Day 3:...3 french hens... no clue

day 4:...4 calling birds...more no clue

day 5... 5 golden rings...a book he has been wanting with a bookmark made from gold thread ..5 crocheted rings crocheted together

day 6: 6 geese a laying...no clue

day 7: some sort of swan thingie with a Dover reproduction copy of the Ugly Duckling ( dh's fav fairytale)

day 8: 8 maids a milking.... Kristen's cow with a small milk pail filled with his fav candies

day 9: 9 ladies dancing....thought I might go out on a limb and buy him a gag gift of one of those hula girls for his dash board :lol

day 10: 10 lords a leaping.... I have no idea why a lord would leap nor how to reproduce one...help~

day 11: 1 pipers piping:...I'll crochet a small shamrock and attach it to a cd of celtic music...he loves pan flute music!

day 12: 12 drummers drumming...sort of at a loss shere too....

anyone want to help fill in the blanks with ideas?????:hook:think

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3 french hens...crochet a hen/chicken or 3 and attach them to coupons for french toast breakfasts? or IHOP/Denny's/Cracker Barrel gift certificates


4 calling birds...same idea...make 4 birds attach them to calling cards? or something related to a phone


10 lords a leaping...Kristie's pirate but don't make it a pirate, make it more like Robin Hood.

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I have done the 12 days of Christmas a few times. I never thought of doing it with crochet though. That will be an interesting twist. Here are a few ideas...


3 French Hens - Cupcakes tea cozy made into a chicken http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=28327&highlight=chickens+cozy


4 calling birds -- cell phone cozy


5 golden rings -- a door knob hanger with 5 bells hanging on it.


6 geese laying -- this is really stretching it, but a crocheted hat to cover his goose egg?


7 swans a swimming -- often at dollar stores or other discount stores you can find candy dishes and soap dishes shaped like a swan. Make a doily to set it on? Or make it a manly swan with a black cap and tiny crocheted scarf.


8 maids a milking -- Crochet a basket and put in items like Udder Hand Cream (a wonderful hand lotion) and a Milk bubble bath and a couple crocheted wash cloths.


9 ladies dancing -- have you ever seen the little sucker spinner toy? It is battery driven and spins your sucker in a circle for you when you put it in your mouth. One of them is a little dancer. I don't want to say what type of item to put with it...I am far too polite and lady to think of such things, but perhaps some type of male "warmer" formerly discussed on the board?


11 pipers piping -- how funny. You said a Celtic CD, and I have used that for the pipers too!


12 drummers -- I found this --



Maybe put the ornament with a CD of one of his favorite groups. Or if you want to finish with a BIG bang -- with an IPOD. I always did a gift a day for 12 days. The 12th day was the largest gift and it was on Christmas.

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WOW... you guys are coming up with great ideas!!!! My mind is just racing with stuff to do... I am finally getting excited about dh's gift... he is so vry hard to buy for.....


sort of have to agree with the french maid stuff..:D ... might have to be given in private.. uh.. we exchange at family get togethers...his mom might blush:P

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12 drummers... Maybe perhaps... Another gag type gift, you know those bears that have the cymbols that they play? Perhaps you could find one with a drum instead? Just a random idea...


10 lords leaping... What sport does he like? Perhaps a ticket to see it, especially if he likes basketball which has 10 people on the court at a time, or baseball, which has almost 10, football which is 11 per side etc... I don't know for sure, but sounds good to me. :)


3 french hens... Another sort of far out idea, but does he like French fries? Perhaps a dinner with the family to Burger King or something. French toast? Breakfast in bed? Just ideas. I really like this! I might do something like this for my hubby! :)


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Yesterday ( Aug 26) my ds#2 got married...It was a HUGE wedding and so the last few days were spent with 12 out of town guests and the rehersal dinner, brunches, wedding etc... the last of the company just left so tomorrow I'll jump back into it... I did make pear butter from the last of the pears on our trees so I need to do a crocheted partridge... I want to do it as an ornie so we can hang it on one of the trees every year...

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