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Do you ever feel this way?

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I am making a messenger-style tote bag, an original design. I would like to put it on etsy. But I am terrified that someone will say I copied their design. Now I can tell you that it isn't even LOOSELY based on or directly inspired by anything I've seen. I just grabbed a skein of yarn and started and then got an idea and drew it up.


Does anyone know what I mean?

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Exactly! I don't invent new stitches, there are only so many styles of bags; and I'm really afraid to try to sell or even show what I have come up with because it's probably going to be 'claimed' by someone else as their idea.

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Indeed. However, I'd have to say go for it! You could post the bag on here in accessories and ask if anyone's seen one JUST like it.

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I have been pondering that thought...

Just because someone has a copyright on a pattern doesn't mean no one has ever made that before...take a scarf...everyone has an idea of what they want to do...but...there are only so many you can make a scarf...or hat...etc...

Just do it!!!

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Hmmmm, I can understand your concern. Perhaps if you coul find a way to document your process. (a diary of when you started, fubars (where you tried 1 technique/count/etc and then changed--adding picts of the fubars might re-enforce that, have testers for it--if you plan on selling the patterns or if its someone you are close to just to try it out so). This might be beneficial to you also in that when you are designing other ideas, you can go back and double check that you've not already tried it and thought was a fubar. One store here, for school starting, had 10 notebooks for a $1.00 so they are CHEAP CHEAP to get.


hope this helps w/ your hesitation


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The copyright laws do acknowledge the fact that two people can come up with exactly the same design simultaneously without ever knowing it. So, if you document your design process (even just on paper) then you should have no problem. If anyone says that you copied them you can just reply professionally that "it must be a coincidence, I've never seen your design".


I get a lot of my design inspiration from fashion, but I try not to look too too too closely at other crochet designers' work. It's the same with my blog, I don't read certain "blog superstars" blogs because I don't want to ever be accused of trying to be someone else, does that make sense? :think


Anywho, if it is indeed your design, and you know that for a fact, then with confidence get it out there! You could be the next big thing!! :woo



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The concept of a Messenger Bag... a large rectangular tote with a flap that covers most of the front... is well known, so I don't think anyone can fault you for creating one in crochet. The way to make it yours is develop a texture or design, using either different stitches or colors. Keeping an account of your design process.. (include pics if possible) is a good idea.


As an aside, I went into NYC yesterday, and, on the train I noticed that practically every other guy was carrying a messenger bag. I had to giggle to myself, thinking, aha! now guys have finally figured out a way to carry a 'purse'! without compromising their masculinity!



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You could be the next big thing!! :woo





I have ideas that I cannot execute! lol My skills just can't keep up.


The tote is on my blog. Its a Space Invaders tote. Of course, Drew won't see it because I am just a superstar ya'll. ;)


And I know what you mean about reading other blogs and such. I think that even if you don't sit and stare at someone's work, its like a subconscious thing sometimes. I painted my kitchen lime green and did a wall of round mirrors at the beginning of the year. Well, my mom calls yesterday and says there is a For Eyes commercial with a similar wall. Now, I don't have TV so I couldn't have seen it so it makes you wonder.


Maybe I AM gifted. :rofl

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