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I think I can do granny squares...

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Looks pretty good to me.

I'm always surprised to find that people have trouble with grannies. I didn't know they're so hard. Good on you for learning. :)


I think a big part of it was knowing where to put the stitches belive it or not.

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Very nice granny! You've come such a long way in such a short period of time...It's very inspiring. :hook


I know its amazing that I just started in April. I know the hubby walks by and is shocked watching me make stuff from a pattern. He'll look at the pattern adn say "you can understand all that gibberish" Of course I say yes. And then he shakes his head and says he can't belive I can look at those letters and numbers and make stuff. He is just amazed.

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i had a hard time with grannies too when i first started, i kept working into the chain instead of using the whole chain as a "loop"...thats where i kept going wrong. my mom finally showed me what i was doing wrong.


Lee Ann

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Yahoo! Way to go!


I remember that granny squares almost drove me insane. I just couldn't get it until one day it clicked. Just remember its like a checkerboard, and you have to make a square or leave a space.


And remember, you CAN make an afghan from just a granny! This will open up whole new doors for you.:clap

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After crocheting for 30 years, I finally learned grannies last year. I have had a blast making them. I asked my mom why she never taught me them. She always hated grannies, so she never taught me. She never liked sewing them together. :lol

It's been fun learning how to do them and making new designs. I found that a granny square book was worth the investment. I bought the one 99 granny squares to crochet at JoAnns with my 40% off coupon.

Good luck with your learning! Remember what seems hard to you, might be easy to others....but everyone is different and those same people can have other things that they don't know how to do. Crocheting is always learning, always doing and always trying. Never give up!:yay

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