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Am I crazy, or are there others like me?

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OK, so I have learned that I cannot sit and do one project at a time. (Can you tell by my signature? :lol ) But the problem is that I have a TON of projects that I want to get done by Christmas. So, I sat down with my little planner on my computer and divided each project into squares, rows, or sections and put them down on my calendar. Each day a new popup comes up and says "Do square 6 of the Puff Afghan" or "Do 1 strip on the MAM".....and I'm wondering if this isn't some cry for help on my part, or does anyone else plan their projects like this? I have to say, I'm loving it because I KNOW that I will get all of these done by Christmas and there is NO STRESS! :yes If I finish what's planned for the day, then I throw in a little small project....super joy!



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OK...I can't say that I've ever actually set it up on my calendar in the computer, but I have figured out how much I need to get finished each day to have something finished by a certain time...and I usually have between 3 and 7 projects going at any given time....if I start any more than that DH gets upset cause the pile of bags on my end of the couch cuts off access to the kitchen and front door LOL!!!:D



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I don't know how to do pop-ups etc but I do plan out my projects. For instance, I made a committment to make preemie hats and I love GENERAL HOSPITAL so I combined the two. While GH is on, I make the hats and I make blankies for the animal shelter during Antique Roadshow. Whether you use your computer or an alarm clock you have to make the committment to finish your ufo's . Its almost like having another job, a pleasant job but, a job none the less. I'm also a list maker so that helps .... I love checking things off my list. Good luck in completing any and all projects!!!!!!

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I don't like to be told what to do, so if my computer started flashing commands at me, I would probably tell it where it can go. LOL! :devil


I do usually have a plan, though... all up in my brain, or scrawled on a bit of paper. :D

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WOW :clap what a wonderful idea.:cheer I need to now sit down and get it all figured out...who is getting what and what needs to be done. :manyheart I have a few projects going now(about 10-12) I have been told I have ADD signs..:eek but maybe with reminders and a log of things that need to be done and have a dead line they will all get done.


Thanks again for the GREAT idea:gallery

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I do the same only on a piece of paper. I also make lists because I also like to cross things off. It helps me to keep working on projects and feel like I'm getting somewere and not just start a new one. I'm glad to here that i'm not the only one that does it. Although my hubby would think I had finally gone insane if I put it on the computer or on a calender.:)

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:whew OMG - That's way too efficent for me :sweat - - - If my computer started telling me what to do I'd have to unplug it - and then where would I be? :ccompute


Actually, I'm impressed with your solution.:nworthy


:help Usually I only get about 4 hours of sleep a night in December, trying to finish all my projects.:morcoffee

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No way...you're not crazy. This, of course, is coming from the woman who sits down and plans out yarn purchases by a) getting all prices from local stores and online, b) factoring in shipping on anything gotten online versus c) calculating how much gas money would be involved in driving to a yarn place (most of the craft places are 30-40 minutes away). Then there's always the consideration of just getting yarn at the LYS, but of course, that's usually a MUCH more expensive proposition, unless they're having a sale...I calculate all this together to decide where to get the yarn for a specific project.


If I put this kind of time and effort into housework, you'd be able to eat off my kitchen floor :lol !!!

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I dont use the computer but i give myself little rewards. I will go do something that needs to be done and take a break and read a chapter or make a few squares or do a few rows. Then i do another chore and then reward myself again.....It keeps the chores from being boring and adds a little to it when there is something fun mixed in! I might be the one who is nutso

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I think this is a great idea and will definitely be 'stealing' it to organize my own Christmas gifts (which I haven't started on yet :blush ). This is perfect for me because I like to be very organized and make lists of what I need to do. I can't think of a better way to help me stay on track and get everything done. Thanks! :hug

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I actually got the idea from my gardening friends. The "serious" gardeners of the bunch keep a calendar that just dictates what they did in their garden when...fertilize, etc.


I always have calendars hanging around - either those planner kind or the ones you get free from retailers. So, you could always just write this stuff on a calender and cross it out as you go. I just give each project an abbreviated name (like "MAM") and that makes the writing easier.


Well, off to go work on a fish purse - my squares for the day are done!


Did I also mention that part of my PLANNING is that I can't cross it off unless it's joined AND the ends are worked in? Now, talk about discipline!



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you are not alone, i don't have it planned day to day, but I have all my christmas project planned out byt "do in aug" "do in sept' and so on and so forth. I suffer form too many wip syndrome too... joining secret pals isn't helping, but it is so much fun i don't mind, lol.


I think i thrive on the stress of "too much to do" somehow the craziness keeps me sane, lol

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It sounds smart to me. My daughter is a high school senior who just got her schedule and, due to an unexpected change, found she had to read "Crime and Punishment"---and annotate it---in 8 days. She did something similar. It is a great way to keep on schedule.

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I think this is a wonderful idea. I do this too...to a certain point, I don't have the pop-ups nor do I do rows or stuff. I just say, I want to have this done by tomorrow, then that done next week.


My only problem with doing this (and then writing it down) is that I have a little rebellious nature to me. If I feel like I HAVE to do it...I probably won't do it. I must get over that. :blush

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Krystal, I totally admire you! I only wish I could motivate myself to be as organized. I have made a list of what I need to make and for whom, and I even made pages of lists of yarn brands and prices from various websites, but I'll never be so organized as to put it all in my computer.


Good for you!


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