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Hubby thinks crocheting is for "GIRLS"

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The Yarn Harlot has a great quote in her book - I think it's from Gloria Steinem..."Many of us now have the courage to rasie our daughters like our sons, but few of us have the courage to raise our sons like our daughters". Interesting, huh?




Love that quote!:manyheart

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Good for your son!! I was gonna mention Rosie Grier, but I see others beat me to the punch. My mother's husband was a paratrooper in the army years ago (he's 73), and he did needlepoint to relax. He is also an expert mechanic, carpenter, electrician, and worked on computers for a living before retirement. He said his mother taught him to needlepoint and his older sister taught him proper ballroom dancing (back in the 1940s) and that he was never worried about what society thought of him. He has no interest in hunting or sports.


For a guy of his generation, he's remarkably free of sexist stereotypes--he thinks women AND men should do what they want based on abilities and interest. In fact, my mother took up woodworking several years ago, and he helped her and my aunt build her shop, but she supervised. I really have a cool family!!

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