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Very fussy neighbor-round ripple for her brother's baby!

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I have a neighbor who I am pretty close to. Well, her brother's wife had a baby and I thought I would try a round ripple. I showed her the pattern and said I was going to make it in purples and pinks. She tells me that the baby's room is going to be peach, green and lilac and could I do it in that color scheme? Sure. So I had some peach yarn (which is very hard to find) and made it. Used some medium lilac as a trim. I showed it to her and it was like it was no big deal. Didn't even say how I can get the blanket to her brother.


My guess is that she doesn't like the colors. She could say something. But now my feelings are a little hurt:( . So my thing is that if she doesn't say something by like next Friday, I will simply give it to the crochet/knitting group as a donation to charity.


She is just so hard to please. Either the colors are wrong, (not the right shades), the shape or something.


So I will just forget about it if She doesn't talk about it. So the baby gets nothing. I didn't have to do this, but I was trying to be nice.


Am I wrong to think this way? What would you do? My other friends think it is very nice.


Can't please everyone, I guess.



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:hug she's prolly miffed because you didn't use green too. there is just no pleasing some people. If she doesn't mention it you could ask where to send it . . .:rolleyes - no reason for the brother's baby to miss out just cuz she's hard to please.


Or donate it, keep it in your emergency stash for last minute baby shower gifts, etc.

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I think you're understandably hurt :(:hug It's such a sweet thing to do & if your friend doesn't get the true meaning of the gift & is too busy thinking how it may not be perfect than you need to find a new friend. Gifts aren't supposed to be the exact thing you want they supposed to be a gesture of kindness. I think you should tell her you're going to give it to charity because it's obvious by her reaction she didn't like it & while you're at it maybe you should say how hurt you are :( I think her reaction was extremely rude :angry

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Maybe the lady is just jealous because she couldn't make one as pretty as yours. There are some people that are like that.....and won't admit it. I think that if you can get it to the baby, then try to, otherwise.....just save it for when a special need arises.

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I agree w/Crocus. Listen, if she doesn't come out and say anything, you don't need to worry about it. My husband and I have learned w/his family, if they're not honest enough to speak up, we will go on w/our lives. Otherwise you end up second guessing and feeling bad about something that may be nothing.


PS I'd LOVE to see a picture - I'm contemplating making a lilac ripple blanket w/white...

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I agree! There really is no pleasing some people. I think we've all had this happen in some form or another, I know I have and I posted a thread a while back about the lukewarm or bad reactions people have to handmade gifts. Some people just do not know about and/or appreciate the hard work, not to mention the love, and time that goes into a handmade piece.


If it were me, I would probably not give the blanket to your neighbour but either contact her brother directly or save it and give it to someone who would appreciate it, as I'm sure it's beautiful! :hug Also that neighbour wouldn't be getting anything handmade from me ever...someone told me in my thread that I should have just bought the person a pack of diapers and left it at that, and that's good advice.


Don't take it to heart, you sound like a nice, caring person and you know your blanket is beautiful and your other friends have told you so...and that's all that matters! :manyheart

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I would wrap up the blanket, bring it to your friend and ask her to get it to her brother.


I personally just make what I like in the colors I like and give the gift. Now, if someone had ordered it in specific colors, that would be different. But that's not the case here.


I have come to realize that some people just don't watch the rudeness that they say or that they express. Chalk it up to the degradation of society and hope to be able to step above it. Overcome rudeness with kindness.

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If your neighbor didn't like it (and you don't know for sure if she did), doesn't mean the parents of the baby won't like it. Considering they are the ones who will be getting the gift, I'd give it to them since that was your intent all along.


I know how disappointed you are though. Recently, I made an outfit for my dad's boss's new baby. The guy opened it at our house and acted like he really liked it and commented he knew how many hours went into making it. I expected his wife to really carry on about it too, yet when the thank you letter finally came, she basically just thanked us for the gift and barely mentioned how nice it was. I don't know why she didn't say more, but I know it was a nice gift, so I didn't let myself worry about it too much.

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I am sorry your feelings are hurt Linda. We all know people like that. It does put a damper on how we like our items though for me I second guess how it looks and things like that. I think if I were to make anything else for her or going through her I would take her shopping with me and let her pick the colors she wanted or tell her what kind of yarn to get and how much of each and let her buy it then she has no reason to fuss but not fuss and your feelings wouldn't get hurt. {{{{{to you}}}}} Nikki

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Do you know the brother & his wife? Or, are you just friends with your neighbor? If you've never met the couple, I'm not sure I would give the beautiful blanket. If you do, I would ask for his address (by pass the neighbor-who knows when or if it would be delivered!) and mail it to the couple with a nice card. They may appreciate your thoughtfulness.

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:hug :hug i agree with homebody. if you know them personally i would hand deliver or mail directly to their house, otherwise i would not give it to the neighbor, she sounds like a jerk to me. and rude to boot, sending:hug :hug :hug to help you feel better:manyheart :manyheart
Do you know the brother & his wife? Or, are you just friends with your neighbor? If you've never met the couple, I'm not sure I would give the beautiful blanket. If you do, I would ask for his address (by pass the neighbor-who knows when or if it would be delivered!) and mail it to the couple with a nice card. They may appreciate your thoughtfulness.
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Hi Linda!

I really hate to say this...but...some people think...if it is homemade...it is not good...and they never appreciate anything you do...as that is the way my mother and mother-in-law and the rest of my in-law side.

I just think it is horrible for people to be that way...they have no clue how much love we put in to our creations...not to mention the time and money.

If it were me...I would take it to her brother, wife and baby. And I pray...for your sake...they are nothing like your neighbor!!!

Blessings to you,


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I think I will bring it to the Brother. She is just very hard to do things for. The perfect house, perfect grass, perfect car, etc. Nothing in my life is ever perfect, and I like it that way!


La ti da!



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You are right to have hurt feelings i would be p**sed too! The brother didnt do anything tho, give them the opoportunity to see the blanket, and refuse as the wrong color, wring style for them,... I am sure they will come and visit with the baby, or if you send it to them. Tell them "hey if you dont like it, it is no problem, send it back I have others in line to take it!"

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I think I will bring it to the Brother. She is just very hard to do things for. The perfect house, perfect grass, perfect car, etc. Nothing in my life is ever perfect, and I like it that way!

I'm SO glad you decided to do that, rather than hand it over to Ms. Perfection. I'd be afraid something would "happen" to your beautiful work if she got her claws into it ;)


Perfectionists bore me to tears. IMO, they always seem so unhappy and negative. Good thing you're not one of them! :)

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