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My Fiance said I lost my mind!

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My fiance says I lost my mind. he says I can't go anywhere without my yarn and hook. yup he is right ... I have atleast my crochet hook and atleast 10 or 15 balls of scrap yarn rolled up and stored in a plastic bag and put in my purse on a daily bassis for when we go out to outings like his Truck shows, Car Races ETC you know the guy things that he just wants me to go with so he can "Show me off" and doesnt care that they really bore me to death . so I stuff my yarn in my purse and work on 6" granny squares.


am I alone here? or have I really lost my mind !! hehhehe :)


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:no No Tami...you are not alone!!! I am at a doctor at least 3 times a week:( ...well...we all know how doctors are well-known for keep on-time with the appointments:rofl ...I take my crochet with me...and am progressing quite well:blush as I sit in the waiting and examining room:think...why is that...since I travel 60 to 70 miles one-way:yes ...I am on the interstate for most of the drive:thair :grump ...and...we know that this is the constrution season:eek !!! So...when we come to a stop and it takes 25 minutes to travel 9 miles:grumpy ...I pull out my crochet:hook and pass the time!!!



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Nope, not alone at all! :no I always take something along with me. In the city where I live we have up to 44 trains a day and there doesn't seem to be a road without a train track. So even if I'm driving I have my crochet. If I have to sit for a train, I'll have something along to work on. That's actually how I came up with a few of my patterns. :hook

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I've learned that when I don't have my crochet w/me, I will have TIME TO FILL! Even w/3 kids, there are moments - like the drs :P and in the car and esp when husband is driving - that I can get a lot done! If I don't take it w/me, I ususally regret not doing so!:eek

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Makes sense to me!


A few weeks ago,my husband changed his CDL license from KY to NM.I took my latest project,a boa scarf in pinks,with me.Many people oohed & aahed,even a big,burly construction worker!

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Not alone at all! I just smile at my dh and tell him "you knew what I was like when you married me" He fishes, I crochet - he has to be on the water to fish, I can crochet anywhere!

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you are not alone at all. I usually take either my crafts or a good book w/ me to kill time when waiting. It helps to start conversations, it helps keep ME calm when I'm having to wait incessantly, it can be very meditative, helps get gifts done, etc. So, no you are not crazy, you are productive and peaceful :)



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I don't drive,so no matter where we go, I always have a project with me. I have 4 different project bags of different sizes that I take according to the length of the trip. My dh knows better than to question me anymore. My dd always says..."do you have your hook case? Do you have your sissors?" She knows the deal. :)

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No Tami, You are not alone. If we are going somewhere and it is more than a few minutes away, I crochet until we get there.:yes It also helps me not to be a "backseat driver". :P My husband is all for that!:lol

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You are not alone. I always have a project with me. I even made myself a little bag to carry my project around so that i could have all the tools I needed with me.

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Nope, you are not alone (obviously) and you have not lost your mind!. I take a project with me every time we are going anywhere, just in case. We were going to dinner one night and the restraunt was 8 min away. There was a hay truck that dumped it's load on the highway and what should have taken 8 minutes took an hour and ten minutes. I was so aggrivated!! Not that I was stuck in traffic, but that I did not have my project with me. I kept thinking about how much I could have gotten done on it in an hour and ten!! Never again. Now I have a special bag that I just drop everything in and go! It has a space for my yarn, a space for my hooks & notions and a space for my pattern book and project record book. Perfect!!

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Always take my stuff with me. It could range from just 12" squares to my current project. Depends on how much time I am going to have. When we go camping--I let DH drive and that usually gives me at least 2 hours of uninterrupted crocheting time. I find that I get alot done this way too.

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thanks for the suport and for reminding me that i'm not alone :) My cousins giggle about it and my male kid cousins call me "granny" because I work on granny squares at fammily reunions and every time we get to gether they can allways count on the fact that i have balls of scrap yarn hiding in my purse and useulay my H Hook .. i'm 27 years old and i get the nick name "granny" allready funny.. Thanks nice to know i'm not alone :)

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You're not alone...we're all rather odd, but what the hey? At least we produce beautiful and useful things, which is more than you can say for people who sit in waiting rooms in doctor's offices reading year-old back issues of People magazine...I keep a project in my car, just in case I'm stuck waiting somewhere, like doctor's appointments, etc.

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Tami, my whole family calls me "granny" now - even my grandmas! I'm only 19 but I love crocheting. I carry around a fairly big tote everywhere with at least a skein of yarn and a crochet hook and my older sisters always joke around and ask me if I'm sure I'm not an old lady stuck in a teen's body. I got the last laugh when we were on an overseas flight to china (about 13 hrs!) and they each bought a big book to read thinking they could spend most of the flight reading, watching movies, eating and sleeping. I bought a book but also had a bag of yarn and hooks and was happily crocheting while they were bored out of their minds...

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I always take my projects with me and my fiance always takes a book with him (a paperback in his cargo shorts pocket). So we each have our own things to keep ourselves busy. :)

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There is nothing wrong about carrying crochet with you wherever you go. I always have something with in the car, just in case I get a few minutes to crochet. Doctors appointments, dentist appointments, orthodontist appointments, etc. are all perfect time to wip out a project and get some work done.


My son got hurt at the park, and on the way to the ER, I stopped home and grabbed a project so I could worry and crochet while he was taken care of!:lol


It can really relax you in a hustle-bustle world that we live in.



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I know where TamKing is coming from......I moved to TX a year ago........ from Plymouth Michigan and I did always have something with me to crochet cuz of the trains lol

I dont carry stuff with me as much now but when I go to my daughters I sure do. I smoke and I am a consientous smoker some......if you dont want me smoking in your house......thats ok too, I can go outside. But to sit and chat inside? I crochet while we do that lol

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When the Dh was in the hospital, I was there at 8 am when visiting hours started. I was there till 8 pm when visiting hours were over. (He was in CCU) I would go with my bag of goodies. A book, my thread, a crochet hook and the pattern. I would sit for hours and just crochet. I made two covers for my end tables in my bedroom. The whole time I crocheted, the nurses would come in and ohh and ahhh over what I was doing.

When he went in for a colonoscopy (spelling?) I made a dishcloth while he was having this done. So No you are not alone.

I unfortunately can not crochet or read in a car or train, so luckly I don't have along comute anywhere.:hook

Hey he should be glad that you go with him.:yes

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