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My little "dude" is crocheting!

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Well, the past three days of oppressive heat sent summer camp children indoors. My 10-year-old son, who usually plays lots of soccer at camp, took up crocheting! I couldn't believe it when I picked him up and he told me that he was working on a crocheted flat monkey.


He completed it the next day and proudly showed it to me...the beginning yarn end is the monkey's tail. He claims that it originally had ears, but he was on the wrong side of the monkey to make an arm at one point, so he crocheted around to the other side and lost the ears. :lol I think it's missing a leg, but who's counting? The arms naturally curl up nicely, and well, I think maybe one out of ten people might be able to guess that it's a monkey.


He has been borrowing a ball of yarn and an I hook from the teacher and bringing it home. I had tried to have him crochet a few stitches once when I was making a dishcloth, but he didn't really get into it, so I didn't press the issue back then. But I would like to believe that he chose crochet (instead of lanyard braiding or something) because of me. I am so proud of him. :manyheart


Okay, I edited this to add a picture (Go ahead, you can laugh):



It's like watching a coworker proudly put up their child's scribble on the office wall, I'm sure. Now that I look at it closely, it looks more like a misshapen ghost than a monkey...but I love it!

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That is so wonderful that your son is picking up the art of crochet. He is probably sensitive about it, because his 'guy' friends don't do this sort of thing. If he keeps at it. He just might be a designer and a professional like our fabulous Crochet Dude! Best of wishes,

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I am so happy to read this. When my son was 8 years old he asked me to teach him to crochet. Though he picked it up very fast, he soon decided it was a feminine activity. I hope your son never feels this way.

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How cool is that?! You're definately entitled to a proud mama moment here!!:clap:clap SInce you were nice enough to tell us it's a monkey, I can see it...and I think it's awfully good for his first piece....maybe now he'll borrow a skein and hook from you so he can make other things??


Congrats to both of you!!!



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