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Rumpled afghans in pictures!


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Lately, I have been noticing that the pictures of afgans in pictures seem to be folded or rumpled around a chair, a child, etc. making it hard to see the whole afghan. I do think the pictures around a child is interesting, they also need to put a full picture of the afghan near the pattern. It just kind of bugs me!


What do y ou guys think?



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Maybe it's because to get a full pic of an afghan you have to zoom so far out? And let's face it, a frame full of afghan is not really interesting. But I know where you're coming from - some ads drive me crazy when all you can see is a corner of the 'ghan.

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I agree - although afghans look nice with props around them and on props, I think a full picture of the afghan laid out would be very helpful. It's frustrating for me as a beginning crocheter when I can't really tell just from reading a pattern and looking at a small picture what the finished product is going to look like.

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It bothers me too and I'm not sure why they don't to a full shot and then a close-up of the pattern and put the close-up in the corner of the full shot. That way we'd get both. After all it's not like they don't run it through a photo editing program anyway so what's the big deal.

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I think Shebear's idea is good. When I post pictures of my afghans I always try to do just that. A picture of the complete afghan (and yes, I usually drape it over a chair or couch, because an afghan just laid out on the floor looks pretty boring) and then a closeup of the stitch pattern.

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I don't mind draped over a chair or something as long as I can at least get an idea of what it looks like so I can decide to buy the pattern or not.

I don't like it wrapped around a person or bundled/draped so I can't see much of it. I think they do it though so people can't just look at it and do it without buying the pattern. Just a guess.

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I was just looking at a picture of an afghan (I swear it was Bernat) that was free, and they showed a picture of it draped on a wicker-type chair, and a woman sitting IN the chair! Now HOW am I supposed to see anything about the afghan? It only showed the outside 6" or so! And there WAS a design in the middle, according to the pattern!



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I was just looking at a picture of an afghan (I swear it was Bernat) that was free, and they showed a picture of it draped on a wicker-type chair, and a woman sitting IN the chair! Now HOW am I supposed to see anything about the afghan? It only showed the outside 6" or so! And there WAS a design in the middle, according to the pattern!




I saw that one too and thought the same thing. What the (heck)? I'd rather see just the afghan ~ a full shot and a close up. I don't need to see stuffed animals or pillows or someone using it because I already know how to use an afghan:lol and I certainly know how to wrinkle one up and throw it in a pile, so I don't need a picture of what that will look like either.:D I also hate teensy tiny little pictures.

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I agree with everyone. When I am looking for an afghan pattern, I want to see a picture of the afghan, not some version of a photo shoot with props. It's distracting! Maybe some of the patterns aren't very good or pretty, so they hide the fact by covering it up with people or some other home decor. :lol

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I agree also, it can be draped nicely over a chair or sofa (that is how I try to take my own pictures). Or have the person in the pic hold it up in front if they must have a live person in the pic.


LI Roe

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I think it's the art department that is messing these things up, or a photographer that doesn't crochet.


I was looking at an Afghan in a Crochet World from August 2005 (it was a filet afghan.. with a lighthouse and kites) and after a minute realized that the Photograph displayed the afghan upside down!

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