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county fair question

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I know that all fairs have different rules, but in general, can you enter an item that is crocheted from a pattern that you bought or found in a book or magazine or got free from the store, or got off the internet, or does it have to be your own original pattern.

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with all the talk about others entering their local fairs I checked into mine, (which by the way just ended!), but I was thinking of doing it next year, but this is one rule that I'm not clear on. I'm hoping someone can help clear this up for me.

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With ours it doesn't matter if its one from a book or one of your own. A couple of the items I entered this year were my own creation, they don't ask and don't care. What our fair judges on is the color, design, stitch uniformity, and overall appearance. Other than the stitches its basically up to weather or not the judge likes your pattern and color scheme.

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In Colorado it doesn't matter. The only rules are:

Is has to be made within that year. So anything I enter in 2006 I had to have made in 2006. But they have no way of knowing and they never ask or check.

And it has to be made by the person entering it. Again, they have no way of knowing, they don't ask and they don't check.

So what's the point of having the rules?

I don't know

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This is what is says on the official rules form, which I find confusing, and this is why I'm asking the question...



5. No entries or works with copyright or licensing infringement will be accepted. If there is any reproduction of a registered trademark item or work of another artist, the district reserves the right to disqualify the entry.

6. Articles entered in “Original Design†classes may not be kits, commercial patterns or copies. The design, choice of materials, and selection of colors must be the original work of the exhibitor.

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My info is only based on personal experience, but first I have a question: Were these from rules for the entire arts & crafts, just needlework, or just crochet?


If they are all of arts and crafts, (5) speaks a lot to photography, or even a "bootlegged" logo item (like if you love Coca Cola, so you graph out the Coca-Cola curves bottle or logo (both trademarked) and did a graph afghan (actually, that would be really cool!), they have the right to not show it or judge it). This might come even more into play if it was something defamatory to a propriatary logo (like a kid peeing on a Ford "plus" logo you see on the back of cars).


This would also be like if you made a Patricia Kristoferson (I am pretty sure I spelled that wrong) and then claimed it as an "original design" for an "original design" category. They're pretty distinguishable.


For number six, it just means that it isn't a real original design if you made it from a kit, or made an item from looking at it (no written pattern, but copying it), or clearly from a pattern. This is JUST in the Original Design categories. NOT for other ones not designated as Original Design.


I have entered and won in both types of categories. The reason they have an original design category is so that they can be judged seperately from commercial designs (or kits or copies).


I hope this helps some!

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Patterns are allowed. Some fairs have you write up where the pattern came from-book, pattern name, etc. I just write up the little index card and attach it to my item. If I have changed the pattern or made my own design (trim, or other changes) I make sure I note what I have done. I think that they don't really care where the pattern came from, just how it is executed in your piece.


We only have 6 catergories in Crochet, so they get all kinds of stuff in each catagory. I will definately write a letter (again) about expanding the catagories for next year.


I do think they want to know where the pattern came from, but they really don't check each entry to see if that is where it came from. They don't have the time or the resources.


So at least in ours, patterns, kits or parts of kits are allowed, as long as they are noted.


Good luck entering the fair. It is a lot of fun!:manyheart




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KateCrochets - Were these from rules for the entire arts & crafts, just needlework, or just crochet?


Thank you for sharing your personal experience with me. I learned a lot.

These were rules for the entire arts & crafts.

I am not that good at making original items, so I would definitely use a pattern. I would just hate to spend all that time making something perfect for judging, only to be disqualified for using a pattern that wasn’t my own original design.


CLLinda - Patterns are allowed. Some fairs have you write up where the pattern came from-book, pattern name, etc. I just write up the little index card and attach it to my item. If I have changed the pattern or made my own design (trim, or other changes) I make sure I note what I have done. I think that they don't really care where the pattern came from, just how it is executed in your piece.

Thank you for the useful info. I will keep notes as I go along if I make any changes to a pattern and write up a card to include with my entry just in case they do need this info.

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