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What's the Ugliest Thing You Ever Crocheted?

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I'd have to say the childs poncho I did this year for fair, even though it took third place. Wasn't crazy about the pattern, but thats the one my daughter picked to make for my granddaughter.

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A few years ago Crochet World had a pattern for a santa door hanger. My mom liked the picture in the magazine so I made it for her. It looked like an evil elf. I can't stand to look at the thing when she has it out for Christmas. It is so ugly. She hangs it out every year and I cringe when she tells everyone that I made it for her.

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well it was actually i first knitted project, and i was 6-7 and i decided to use up my nanas left overs to make some coasters for the house, since all i knew was garter st and it wasnt very good. all was fine until i was at the end of the rectangle and was binding off but i got distracted and kept knitting the last 6-7 st. it turned out a rectangle coaster with a weird 1 inch piece extra on one corner, i said it was a spot for my cookie and my milk. i cant believe my grandma still used it!

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Back when I was just starting to crochet (I guess about 1972), I bought my very first crochet stuffed toy book. :eek I didn't say stuffed animals. I said stuffed toys. Monsters. And ugly looking monsters at that. :blush


But it was cool for a 13 year old girl who was sick of just crocheting scarves and ugly ponchos (btw, the ponchos were probably second).

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:blush An absolutely disgusting blanket for my 13 year old granddaughter :manyheart last year - she picked the pattern (actually made one up :lol ) and I made it - pink and blue blocks with her name in cross stitch and fringe all around - ugly as sin but she sleeps with it every night (at least that's what her mother says! :lol ).
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Ok, the ugliest thing I every made was MeeMaw.... but it wasn't MeeMaw. It was the ugly creepy and totally wacko looking half cat half monster. The body went together great except the face. Everything on the face was awful.


The worst part is I was making it as a Christmas gift last year for my hubby's friend at work. He snuck the cat out of the house when I had already told me he couldn't have it. I needed to redo it. His friend has the cat on her desk at work and he says she loves it. :blush


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My worst project was years ago, when I wanted to make a pair of newborn baby booties (My first pair of booties ever). Well I followed the pattern and when I was done, the booties would fit a full size elephant. Gee, where did I go wrong, LOL! :think

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Mine would have to be the first scarf I ever made. I was obviously just learning so it was very uneven. Plus it was made from a terrible green color yarn that I found laying around my Mom's house. My friend and I called it the "Charlie Brown Christmas Tree Scarf" .. lol it was bad....

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I would have to say the ugliest thing I've ever made is the blanket that I made my oldest daughter for her 5th birthday, I allowed a 4 year old to have creative control over the color scheme..... the thing is like 19 different colors or something, she had me use like every color of yarn in my collection.... but she brought it to pre-school on her b-day for show and tell, and she beamed with those big blue eyes as she told the whole class her mommy loved her so much she made her "the best blanket ever". She refuses to sleep without it, I don't think she notices the colors, she just knows that mommy made her something, and she won't part with it.

But I have 2 other children, each of whom will get a 5th b-day blanket from mommy... and neither of whom will have creative control over the color scheme :rofl

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the ugliest thing I crocheted and felted is a hat using shaefer yarn-

i am willing to exchange it -

i will try to post a pix-

it is really not ugly-just something i wouldn't wear

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Well mine was a combinationation of crochet and sewing. My 4 yr old daughter who is now 31 (27 yrs! ago!) I made a cabbage patch kid with crocheted clothing and finished it Christmas Eve. It was the ugliest thing you ever saw! lol! Even the ruffled crochet dress didn't do a thing for it! Nothing seemed rt, the face was ugly, the clothes were ugly! I almost didn't wrap it up and give it to her, but I did! We laughed for years over that. I told her it was made with love so it couldn't be all that ugly! lol!:manyheart

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I thought of something else. I had this pattern for gloves that I wanted to make. I found the perfect color red (my favorite) and went to town. The first glove came out perfect. I followed the pattern for the second one the same as for the first only this one was really wrong. For some reason the middle finger on the second glove came out HUGE. The pattern was just one continuous strand of yarn so in order to get to the middle finger I would have had to undo a whole bunch. So I left them as they were. I only wore them once and it looked like I was giving the finger to everyone :blush

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The ugliest thing I ever made was a purse for my daughter-in-law. It was two weeks before X-mas and she loves purses and I had a new pattern so I thought of her.

I made it with eyelash yarn and beaded the strap. Her favorite color is pink so I found a varigated pink and blue eyelash and went to work.


It was so ugly I cried when it was finished. I wrapped it anyway b/c it was midnight X-mas eve and gave it to her in the morning.

She was very polite when she opened it and there was that REALLY

L-O-N-G uncomfortable silence until my brother came out of the kitchen and saw it.

I think his exact words were, "What the Hell is that? I thought you liked Shauna!'

We were all rotf for about 20 minutes. It got worse when we decided to give it to the dog to play with. He wouldn't touch it and when we put it in his bed, he wouldn't sleep in it until we threw it out.:lol :lol


I felt so bad I took her shopping the next day for all the sales. She made me promise to make her a blanket but she gets to watch its progress all the way.


To all on the purse swap: Don't worry. All my other purses have been beautiful. I promise.

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I find this surprisingly a heartwarming thread. "I crocheted this thing I can't stand, but the recipient loves it to this day" or "I crocheted something so ugly that we couldn't stop laughing" seem to be the common themes. I find the former very touching, and I laughed out loud more than once at some of the descriptions.


After all, whatever we make, we put lots of love into it. This forum is for sharing our love of the craft, so even if the results are "ugly" by some people's standard, it serves to bring more love and/or laughter into the world...makes lots of sense to me. :manyheart


Mine? It's kinda boring. My very first rectangle I crocheted was not a rectangle. It was a trapezoid. I think I was trying for a scarf, but when the width dwindled to almost nothing, I knew I couldn't go on. I did not pick up a crochet hook till last year, over 30 years later. :eek Now I can't put it down.

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i havent done anything TOO bad yet

usually im lucky enough to catch on to the fug and pull it out first, and i have 2 critics who arent afraid to speak their mind lol


but the worst was a cha cha (kinda like fun fur) scarf (knit) and some of my swatches...


i love this from the article though

Dear Amy: I've got a gem for you. My gal pal proudly presented me with a 5-foot tall faux topiary shaped like a chicken. I accepted the chicken tree as graciously as I could.
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My most frightening, "what-was-I-thinking?", project from he** was the Lion Brand "Flattering Jacket" in Homespun."


Flattering, my foot. First of all, as anyone knows who works with Lion Brand Homespun, you can't get consistent color within the same SKEIN, let alone within the same dye lot. The color and texture of the yarn changed from bad to worse, to worse still, to slightly better, but still horrible...If I hadn't been a rank beginner, I would have substituted something else. Anyway, it took approximately 500 years to crochet and when I got all done I discovered a major problem...the front sides don't overlap, like a normal blazer-type garment would. In fact, they were several inches apart. AHHH!!! Not to mention the fact that the Homespun was doing it's usual trick of "creeping" -- that is to say, the jacket had grown several inches in lengh.


I folded it up, put it on the top shelf of my closet, and haven't looked at it since <LOL>.

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Thanks everyone for all the funny/touching stories! I really needed a few good laughs! I'm still waiting for Crochet Dude to add his own fugly crochet story. ;)


You know how the postal clerk has to ask if the box you're shipping contains anything liquid/perishable/potentially hazardous? Last fall I said "what about ugly?". We laughed so hard I'm sure people thought we were nuts. Now she always asks me if the box contains anything liquid/perishable/potentially hazardous/ugly. :rofl



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One of my first crocheted projects was both ugly and embarassing.


Fisrt of all, I didn't know the first thing about fibers and water :think .


I was 15 and wanted a two piece bathing suit, that's what we called it back then, today a mild bikini. My mother wouldn't buy me one so I decided to crochet one :hook . When it was finished I thought it looked pretty cute till I entered the water and thought :think so far, so good till I decided to come out of the water, boy was I surprised :eek , it hung on me like a wet sack :( , my friend just stood there and laughed. Needless to say, I never did that again :no ! I need to find that stretch yarn, does anyone have any input as to where I can find that stretch yarn at? :yarn

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An afghan I recently crochet for my Mom's Birthday. Needless to say, I am not giving it to her. I picked the pattern and decided to make it up out of Bernat Boucle in the blues and taupes. Once made I thought, "that is the ugliest afghan I have ever seen". I don't know why, the pattern worked fine, it was just down right ugly. I think it was just the wrong patter with the wrong yarn!! What to do with an ugly afghan? I thought about maybe giving it to our golden retriever for his bankie, but he would just eat it, sooo . . . Also it has a funny smell. I have washed it and put it in a Downey rinse and it still smells funny. Ugly and smelly!!!!!

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When I first started crocheting (late 60's - 70's), I tried to make the grannysquare vest. My large square back piece was o.k., But the smaller side pieces didn't fit right, it was lop sided. I frogged the small squares, made a large one and put a sponge square between them. It made a nice seat cushion.

Ellie 13

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