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Country Fair and how I did on ribbons

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I am not sure how many of you actually have a country fair but we just had one in my area. They are so much fun. The food, the rides, the games, and all the beautiful handmade items. Bumping into people that you haven't seen for quite some time because of busy schedules. Watching the judging of the livestock, my favorite of which is the goats.


I ate so much cotton candy and funnel cake with my 2 of my grandsons I thought I would explode. I also ate fries, burgers, chicken sandwich. You just can't get that yummy food anywhere else, and you can smell it the whole way down the midway.


This year they had some gorgeous entries in the Home Department, like they always do. My favorite that wasn't crocheted was a beautiful quilt with assorted wildlife on it. Some of the pies looked and smelled so good you wished you could just take a little nibble. The fruits and pickles that were canned all looked great.


I entered 49 items this year and took ribbons for 44 of them. To all the ladies who wished me luck on my paradise doll I thank you. Your well wishes paid off as I won my very first Best of Show. My daughter Katrina has been crocheting for a year now, and I am so proud of her, she entered two items and got a first and a second place ribbon.


Any of you that would like can visit my fair album, and please give me some feedback. Some of the pics aren't the best because of the way they have to lay the items. Just visit here



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WOW! You did great work! I can't believe how many great entries you did.


Your fair must have a lot more catagories than mine. Ours only has six, and you can only enter one per lot. :(


If they had more catagories, I would definately enter more things!


You did a terrific job! Be proud!



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:) Hi Wanda!

First off...Beautiful name...my grandmother was named Wanda..although she had "crossed over" before I was born...I always wished I had been named after her.

:clap :clap :clap Congrats!!! I am so happy for you...winning all those ribbons!!! :applause:applause:applause

Last year...I entered 4 items in our fair and was awarded ribbons for each.

This year...I am entering many more items and am working lots to get them done. Ours is August 30th to September 4th.


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I sure hope all you ladies entering are gonna share your fair pics and a little of what was there and what you had to eat.


:) Hi Wanda!


First off...Beautiful name...my grandmother was named Wanda..although she had "crossed over" before I was born...I always wished I had been named after her.


:clap :clap :clap Congrats!!! I am so happy for you...winning all those ribbons!!! :applause:applause:applause


Last year...I entered 4 items in our fair and was awarded ribbons for each.


This year...I am entering many more items and am working lots to get them done. Ours is August 30th to September 4th.



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I love county fairs. I haven't entered anything since Jr. High when I was in 4-H. But we always go. We look at everything. Crafts, photos, cattle, sheep, poultry and hogs.



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What fun!!! CONGRATULATIONS!:clap:yay You did awesome! I loved looking at all those pictures! I just oohed and awed over everything! I love the fair too. The smell is wonderful (except around the livestock of course!) Ours is always in the fall, so the weather is usually nice and cool.

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:cheer Congrats on all those ribbons!!:cheer


And OMG 49 items entered!:eek I'm luck to get 4 things finished in a year. :lol Everything that you showed was just beautiful. I loved the tablecloth, do you have a photo of it laied out?

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There is only one top prize and you won it ...... good for you! I enjoyed reading your details of the fair and seeing the great pictures too. Our fair was in April and I posted about my cupcake pincusion winning a BIG Yellow Ribbon, for second in class. I entered more items this year than last but we can only enter one item in each catagory. Can't wait to do it again next year.





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Congratulations! I downloaded your fair book. You definitely have more crocheted related entries than we do here in Memphis, TN! I am really impressed with your many entries and all those ribbons. Congratulations, especially on your Best Of Show! You deserved it, beautiful!

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Evrytime I clicked on another pic I said, OOH, I want that!!.

My son was laughing at me the whole time. But he liked your things too.


I really love the dreamcatcher earrings. If the pattern is yours, would you mind sharing it with me?

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These earings were designed by Clare Stringer and I found the pattern here on the web. Visit here for these beautiful patterns, she sure is one talented designer.




Evrytime I clicked on another pic I said, OOH, I want that!!.

My son was laughing at me the whole time. But he liked your things too.


I really love the dreamcatcher earrings. If the pattern is yours, would you mind sharing it with me?

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I visited you fair album. Congrats on all your ribbons! You are a busy crochetier! My favorite was the talecloth, and then the lacy pineapple doily.

Your kimono robe was a great choice of color, it is beautiful! All your work was high quality and you should be quite pleased with your winning pieces! Thanks for letting us look at all your work.

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